Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saving having one meatless dinner a week

I cook dinner about 3 times a week.  The other nights we eat leftovers (which are sometimes reinvented) and often we will have one pizza night.

The most expensive item at the store is meat.  You usually spend a minimum of $2/lb for your meat and this becomes the basis for your meal.  By skipping the meat in one meal a week, you will find yourself saving money and creating new delicious dinner alternatives.

Last week I made Baked Ziti without meat (see above pic).  In fact I made 2 pans--one for myself and one for a friend.  One pan for my family lasted 2 dinners and 1 lunch (3 family meals.)  The total cost for making two pans for Baked Ziti--around $1.75.   If I had added meat, the cost would have been closer to $4.75.  The difference really is astounding.

Here are some ideas to make a yummy "no meat" meal.

Tacos or taco salad with black beans or chick peas
Pasta without meat
Breakfast meals make FUN dinners--we usually have pancakes on Sunday night and then the leftovers make yummy breakfasts for the week.
Egg Mcmuffins--if you don't have english muffins, use biscuits or rolls
Egg bakes (put assorted veggies in  and top with cheese)
Grilled Cheese
Grilled peanut butter and jelly (this is MUCH yummier than it sounds)
Quesadillas (take 2 tortillas and put cheese, beans, salsa, guacomole--whatever you like in between and bake either in the oven or microwave)
Nachos--(top tortilla chips with beans, cheese and your choice of toppings.  Heat in oven until melty)
Potato soup (so many kinds!)
Baked potato--have assorted toppings including beans, cheese, salsa, sour cream....
Chili without meat
Vegetable soups of all kinds including squash soup and bean soups
Macaroni & Cheese
and yes there are MANY more! 

So try it out and see what you save...
What is your favorite vegetarian dish?

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