Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saving Money....on Portraits

I know you have the MOST BEAUTIFUL CHILD(REN) and of course you want to capture those milestone pictures.  You want a beautiful picture to show your child at each age...and yes we are talking the typical 3,6,9,12,18 month and then yearly and of course family and Christmas portraits AND you want enough to share with family and close friends.  Not to mention they make WONDERFUL (& inexpensive) Christmas/birthday presents to those parent/grandparents/aunts/uncles who have everything.

Before you take your child in for their pictures, realize that you do own a digital camera and you are probably already taking MANY pictures of your children (and if you don't own one, I suggest purchasing one and then keeping it readily available to capture all of those beautiful candids.)  I keep mine hanging on our coat rack on the hallway.  And yes, I am ALWAYS grabbing it.  You probably already have quite a few incredible pictures of your child that you could choose to print as your own collection via printer or take it to a store (via person or email) and have your own collection printed.  Walmart has a standard collection starting at $5 (1 8x10, 2 5x7, and 16 wallets).  Walgreen's also has an Ultimate Family Package currently priced at $9.99 ( 20 4x6, 3 5x7, 3 8x10, 20 Wallets). 

However if you are like me, you probably like to get that good up-close portrait at each milestone taken professionally.  Here are my favorite places to go and how I save.

First of all, before I go I remind myself that I am here for 1 good photo.  I don't need 4 different poses.  Afterall--where am I going to put up all these pictures AND where will they go after I get the next milestone picture done.  There is only so much wall space, and I don't want to pay a fortune for pictures I may only have up on my wall for a few months.  If I have one child, I go to JC Penney.  The staff tend to be VERY good.  They listen to what I want (I don't want props--I want that ONE good picture), and they take their time with me knowing I will not be buying much--they know me well enough now.)  There are MANY coupons out their for JC Penney to get 1 free sitting and then a portrait package (2 8x10, 4 5x7, 4 3x5, 6 wallets for $7.99).

Here is a link to their coupons (I will warn you that they change the coupon close to Christmas to be a little more because of the rush.  However, if you look in any parenting magazines from months prior to Christmas you will find the $7.99 deal--this has been consistant for over 4 years now.)

If you are in LOVE with various poses, you can use the $3.99/sheet coupon in lieu of the $7.99 one.

So do I pay $7.99 for my pictures---No, I pay $4.99!  After each photo session, I am sent, via email, a link to complete a survey.  It takes less than 5 minutes to complete.  I do it immediately when it is sent and print it out.  The coupon is for $3 off your next photo session.  I then save it for our next session.

So what do you do if you FALL in love with another picture or they have made this INCREDIBLE collage.  Well--I always allow myself to splurge from time to time.  I have 2 wonderful collages of Ky & Alaina in my living room.  Each cost an additional $15, but they were worth it.  Sometimes they have another pose I fall in love with and will allow myself to buy it--anywhere from $8 - $12.  But before I buy I always remind myself of my goal.  And I remind myself that I have WONDERFUL pictures that I have taken at home. 

Family & Christmas portraits

JC Penney only gives you 1 free sitting fee with their coupon.  I don't like to pay sitting fees, so I avoid it at all costs (and honestly I think memberships are a waste).  Once a year I try to get the family's picture done as well as a Christmas picture with just the kids together.  For this I go to Portrait Innovations.

They have a pretty good $9.99 package deal with no sitting fees (One - 10 x 13, Four - 3 x 5s, Two - 8 x 10s, Four - 5x7s, And 32 Wallets, for Christmas then add an additional 9 Greeting cards).

Once again, when I am there, I remind myself that I am there for one portrait.  I have lots of pictures at home--I don't need more.  I honestly have never bought more than one pose from them--their prices were just WAY too expensive.  Which makes it easier to leave and you walk out with your pictures in 15 minutes (after choosing your pose). 

So what if you don't have enough pictures for everyone.  Well, you could choose to make your own package through the Walmart deal($5) or you could choose to go back for another sitting (I have done this once before, but due to time prefer not to.)  Or, you could wait until you pick up your photos at JC Penney--they always try to get you to buy more before you leave.  Often they are discounted $5 - $8 a sheet of varying sizes.  Usually my option is the Walmart option.   It's a bit cheaper and I get lots more. 

Where do you like to go for portraits?  And how do you save money?

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