Friday, July 30, 2010

Being Green with Laundry Detergent

Do you have a water softener? Then this article is for you! This is a little something I learned from the “Culligan Man”.

Did you know you only need about 1 Tablespoon of detergent for a large load of laundry when you have a water softener? When you use a water softener, many of the hard minerals are removed from your water allowing for the soap to work better. In fact, if you use too much detergent, your clothes may actually get soap buildup! Most detergents come with a measuring scoop or cap. The measurements that the product gives you is based on HARD water. However, many people (especially those in the Madison area), have a softener and don’t need that amount of detergent. How do you determine how much detergent you actually need? Start with one tablespoon and run a load. See how your clothes turn out. If they don’t smell clean or still appear dingy, try again with a little more. Figure out what works with your water and machine. This experiment will save you money in the end.

Then after you figure out how much detergent to use for your washing machine—go do it with your dishwasher! You will be shocked on how changing the amount of detergent will save you money and still get your clothes and dishes clean! (Your detergents should last you at least 3X longer!)

(I have not tried this out with the new “ultra” detergents, so I am unsure what the detergent amounts would be with these.)

So, what did you find when you "Tested" your detergent?

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