Saturday, July 31, 2010

SOBE Game - play free & win good stuff!

SOBE has a game online that you can play once a day (for free) until September 14th. The game is quick (Takes 2-3 minutes) and at minimum you will win a “buy one get one free” SOBE coupon. I have been playing once a day (actually I often have my son play it) for about a month and have so far won (besides the daily BOGO Q's) 3 Free Sobe’s (these will come in the mail via coupon) and a prize (which I am not going to say since I know it will be the PERFECT birthday present for a certain somebody!) I plan to keep playing as I would really love to win the computer (though doubtful), but in the meantime I will just take the Free Sobe’s. I don’t normally drink Sobe, but when I get these coupons I will apply them toward my Coupon Doubling threshold which I will explain in a later blog. Happy Gaming! Here’s the site:

**To play you will need to create an account.  I just use my Facebook account, but you can also create an account.  If you create an account (or if you win anything) you will need to enter your mailing address and email address. You will need to create an email address just for these types of offers and freebies.  This way you can keep the manufacturers from cluttering up your email inbox.  You can create another email account (via yahoo, hotmail, gmail or your favorite server) and ALWAYS use this email for these online freebies and deals. NEVER use your personal address that you use for friends since you don’t want to have SPAM from companies cluttering up your personal account.

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