Monday, October 18, 2010

Being Green with keeping your house warm!

I am excited to tell you it is October 17th and I have YET to turn on my heat--and yes we have crappy windows and such that let in ALL the outside air!  Here are a few tips and tricks I have learned to help keep the house warm without turning on the heat.

*Open window coverings on your southern facing windows. The sun will naturally heat your home during the day. 

*Look into insulating curtains for at night.  I actually made some of my own for around $10 a window.  They pull up like roman shades and I put additional molding on the sides of my window with hinges to "clamp" the curtains down on the side when the window is closed.  I attached the curtains with velcro to the top of the window which helps eliminate air leaks at the top. (If you want more info on these let me know otherwise here is additional info below.

Here is info on how to make sure the curtain is insulating:

And here is info on how to make an insulated curtain.  (If you buy the insulating fabric at JoAnne's they have instructions included.)

*Close drapes at night--they insulate a little so they will help keep some of that cool air out. 

*If you have a sunporch area or room with many windows that heats up from the sun, make sure that hot air has access to the house.  You may want to use a box fan to blow the warm air into your home. 

*If it is warmer outside then inside--open those windows!  However, once the temp on the outside becomes cooler--CLOSE THEM.  We have been lucky with some upper 70's days here and there.  I have really taken advantage of these days to warm my house.

*Cook/Bake.  Yes I am serious.  I have been doing a fair amount of cooking and baking the last month to help keep the house warm.  I will often bake/cook double batches.  Then I can freeze for later or share with a friend now.  After I turn the oven off, I will open it up to let the heat warm the house  (of course I am careful to make sure that my little ones are in another room and don't come near the stove.

Of course there are the standard things you can do as well---buy insulation tape for around windows and doors.  I like waiting for a windy day and then I take a candle around any spots that may leak air from the outside.  If the flame dances, I know that I have a leak and then use insulation foam/tape/rubber to block the leak. 

If you have drafts coming from under your door, you may need to buy a new door sweep--these are relatively inexpensive and slide easily on the bottom of your door.  Definitely worth the investment.

So what do you do to help keep your house warm?

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