Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shopping Aldi's

If you haven't shopped Aldi's before, this post may make you panic.  You probably have heard the rumors that this is the "poor people" store and they have horrible food, but I am going to challenge you to give them a chance.  Did you know that the corporation that owns Aldi's also owns Trader Joe's?  In fact, you will find some of the same products at both stores (sometimes labeled differently though.) In this blog post, I am going to tell you "how to shop" Aldi's and what to expect as well as give you a rundown on prices of some of their food--items that I specifically stock up on at their store because I know I won't be able to find it for less elsewhere. (If you are familiar with Aldi's skip down to the list below to see what my "buys" at Aldi's are.)

When you arrive at Aldi's be sure to bring a quarter, cash (or a debit card) and bags for your groceries.  Aldi's uses a "quarter" system for your cart.  You deposit the quarter into the cart to unlock it, do your shopping, return the cart, and get your quarter back.  They escape the extra costs of cart corralers by doing this quarter system (and pass the savings to you).  Honestly, I wish other stores would do it.  You never see a random cart in the parking lot of Aldi's.  People always return them because they want their quarter back. 

They also do not have baggers.  Therefore, they will ring them up and return them to the cart.  You bag your own groceries on a counter provided.  (Another way to pass savings to you!)  If you do not bring your own bag, you can use boxes found throughout the store, or purchase a bag.  I think they cost $0.25 each.

Aldi's only accepts cash or debit cards.  This is another way they keep their prices down.  They don't have to pay fees to the credit card companies and they don't have to take the time to cash checks.  You cannot purchase your groceries without cash or a debit card.

Aldi's carries many regular items and then some seasonal items which often includes brand name foods (including some Trader Joe stuff!) as well as toys or gadgets (just like your local grocery store would.)  Often these seasonal items are pretty good buys.  If I see something I like, I usually wait a few weeks and they will start knocking down the price to get rid of whatever they have left to make room for the new stuff.  I have bought nice pajamas for Ky for $2, soccer balls for $2 and inflatable pools with built in sprinklers for $3.  Besides seasonal items, Aldi's will often clearance foods that are getting close to expiration.  I have bought ground turkey for $0.29/lb (I bought 10 lb and then just froze it all!) and whole wheat bread for $0.15 a loaf (bought 8 loaves and froze it all!).  Mondays & Tuesdays are usually the key days of the week to look for clearance items.  (At least that is my experience with the Aldi on E. Wash in Madison.) 

As far as pricing, Aldi's produce prices vary often just like other grocery stores. With that said, I almost ALWAYS buy my produce at Aldi's.

Here are some example produce prices at Aldi's and how I have seen them vary

1lb baby carrots $0.99---About every 6 weeks they go on sale for $0.49--this is when I stock up to last me 3 weeks.

Apples $1.99 to $2.99 for 3 lb

BIG seedless Watermelon $1.99 to $3.99

Cantaloupe $0.99 to $2.29 each

Onions $0.99 for 3 lb

Broccoli $0.99 - $1.49 lb

Bananas are ALWAYS $0.39 lb (this is the best price I ever see them!)

Avocados $0.49 - $0.99 each

Oranges 3lb for $1.49 - $2.99

Grapes $0.79 - $1.29

Anyway--usually some fruits and vegetables are at their rock bottom price and that is what I stock up on. 

Here are some other great deals at Aldi's.

You will always find Aldi's milk either the same price or lower than any other grocery store (and usually eggs too!)

Crackers--most boxes are around $1.  Graham crackers are $1.25--I have not been able to find Graham crackers under $2.50 anywhere else! (even with a coupon)

Flour is usually around $1.19 for 5 lb--this is a good price--it will bottom out at $0.99

Rice is $1.49 for a 3 lb bag

Salt for your water softener!  $3.49 for a 40 lb bag (I think it is 40...)

Chocolate chips $1.69

Margarine $0.59 for 1 lb

Yogurt--big containers are $1.59 for plain or vanilla

REAL vanilla  $1.99

Tortilla chips $0.99

Flour Tortillas $0.99

Other good deals include canned veggies or beans for around $0.40 a can, brown/powdered sugar around $0.99 for 2 lb and white sugar is usually around $2.50 for a 5 lb bag.

I shop at Aldi's about once every 2 weeks.  Prior to couponing--this was the main store I shopped at.  I honestly love this store and I don't think there will ever be a time that I don't shop at Aldi's.  I hope you found this blog helpful.  What are your favorite items at Aldi's?

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