Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Being Green with Reusable Bags

I don't want to preach to the choir--you all know about how wonderful Reusable Bags are--but I am going to challenge you a little further. 

I have around 15 reusable bags and I have spent no more than $0.50 on all of them.  Some I have received for free from stores and friends.  My main supply of reusable bags actually came from Menard's.  Periodically, Mendards will have their bags on sale for $1.00 each and then offer a $1.00 rebate for up to 10.  This is how I got all of my reusable bags for free--(the $0.50 I paid is for the rebate envelope & stamp.)  How cool is that?!  I have since used these bags many times and have actually MADE money off of them.  AND--if you are a Menard's shopper they will occassionally have sales for 15% off anything you can fit in their reusable bag (even Sale priced items!)

Did you know that at many stores they will actually give you a discount for each bag that you bring in?  Here are stores that I know of in the Madison area that will give you a $0.05 discount per bag that you use/bring in.

Willy St. Co-op (Thanks Kristen!)
Sentry (gives a $0.02 discount)
Aldi's--they don't give a discount, but if you don't bring your own you may have to purchase one of their bags or find a box to put your groceries in.  (This is also how Aldi's is able to keep their prices so low.) 

Of course, if you are the creative type, you could always make your own reusable bag out of a t-shirt or towel.  (And what a WONDERFUL way to package a Christmas gift and ADD to your present!) Check out this site if you want to get your "crafty" on!


Do you know of any other stores that discount for reusable bags?  Let me know so I can add it to the list.

Stay tuned to "what you can do with those disposable bags!"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Deals of the week

*Depicts rock bottom price


50 oz of unsweetened apple sauce $1.69 (this jar is located in the “seasonal items” area)

(I use applesauce as an oil substitute when I am baking, so I LOVE a great deal on unsweetened applesauce.)

*Celery $0.49 per sleeve

Baby Carrots $0.69 lb

*Grapes $1.78 for 2 lbs

HyVee (these prices are good on Friday, Saturday & Sunday)

*Bananas $0.38/lb (at Aldi’s bananas are ALWAYS $0.39/lb)

HyVee canned vegetables $0.38 each

Whole Chicken $0.59/lb

Hyvee Shredded cheese $1.25

Peaches & Pears $0.99/lb

HyVee Russett Potatoes 10lbs $1.88

*Midwest County Fare frozen veggies $0.88 for 16 oz (Copp's has the same deal through Weds.)

*Lynden Farm shoestring French fries $0.48 20 oz

* Angel Soft Toilet Paper 24 roll or 12 double roll or 9 mega roll $4.77 and receive a free Sparkle Paper towel (use the manufacturer coupon in the flier) and use this coupon http://angelsoft.com/coupons.html
to save an add’l $0.50. $4.27 is a VERY good deal for all this.

White or wheat Hyvee bread $0.88. (Copp’s has white bread 2/$1 through Weds.)


Through Weds (tomorrow) use this list


Notice Blue Bunny Ice Cream is $3.00.  Print this coupon out and double it on Weds and get it for $1.00
For this link, enter the zipcode 07205 in the upper left hand corner. Then select $1 off BB Ice cream!

For Thurs - next Weds use this list


There is also a coupon booklet avaiable for extra deals this week and next week.  If you did not get one in the mail, you should be able to ask customer service for one.  Here is a preview link



(I am not a big Cub or Sentry shopper, because I often don't find good deals--but this week Cub has some great ones!)

*Paula Red apples $0.88/lb
*Corn $0.19 each
*Green beans $0.77/lb
Ken's Steak House dressing $1 (there is a $1 Q in the 8/22 SS making this free)
*Peppridge Farm Goldfish $1

Monday, August 23, 2010

Being Green with Mismatched Socks

Here’s what we did with our mismatched socks today…

First I pulled out 6. Two for Ky, Alaina, & me.

Then I let my kids pick out their socks. (It’s always more fun that way!)

Then we filled a dishpan with water and soap (don’t use those chemical cleaners for this!) and of course STUCK our feet in!

We then washed the floor.  (By the way, if you are preggo--this will make washing the floors less of a "back-ache.")  So you don't slip, I recommend buying some puffy paint from your local Walmart/Joanne's/Michael's.  It costs around $1.  Then you can paint some grid marks on the bottom of the socks so you have some traction.--please wait for the paint to dry before washing.  We don't use the puffy paint--and just "risk it!"--the kids usually laugh if they fall.

Ky glided beautifully across the main part. I worked on all the corners and sides. And Alaina…well, she just stood in the dishpan.

It was a great time. We accomplished 2 things—washing the floors and keeping the kids entertained (by making them work!—Shhh! Don’t tell them!)

Afterwards, there was a fair amount of water on the floor which I cleaned up with some old t-shirts and towels and then I put a fan on the area. We all had fun.  Oh and Ky buffed the floor with his butt--see how shiny it is??

So those, mismatched (or even holey) socks can have a second life! (They are also quite handy for dusting.  Put one on your hand and use water or your favorite dusting solution.  I love using socks to dust the top of window sills.)

And OF COURSE…you can always make sock puppets!

Here is a fun website for crafting with socks.


and this one is good too!


What do you do with your mismatched socks??

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Free Feminine products & Goodnite's

Here is my freebie roundup for the past week.  Remember, when signing up for these freebies to use the email address you created for these freebies & other deals.

Free Goodnite Underwear


Free Playtex


Free OB


I LOVE freebies.  Often they come with HIGH value coupons that let you get the product free.  I would expect the OB freebie to come with one of these coupons.  This is how I no longer pay for feminine products--but get them free (or just pay tax.)

(The Walmart Freebies rarely come with coupons.)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Next Update will be Sunday, August 22nd!--I am ON VACATION!

As of tomorrow, I am on Vacation. (For some reason I feel the need to capitalize vacation.)  I will have limited access to computers, so I will not be updating this page/my blog for the next week. Stay tuned though...I am sure I will have LOTS of good stuff to share with you when I get back!

180 Diapers for $10...I'll buy that...

If you get Parents or Parenting Magazine, you can score diapers at an awesome price this month (deal ends August 31st.)

Look inside these magazines (both August & September) for orange Amazon inserts.  These inserts will EACH save you 20% (enter as promo codes) AND they are stackable on top of Amazon's current 30% off Subscribe and Save diapers deal.  And did I mention you will receive FREE shipping!

The 30% Subscribe & Save is a way to have diapers sent to you at certain time intervals so you don't have to order each month.  It can be cancelled at any time.  My plan and recommendation for  you is to select the diapers you want, sign up for the Subscribe & Save to get the 30% off, purchase your diapers, then immediately go back into your Amazon account and cancel the diapers from Subscribe & Save.

To add to all this savings, you may also be able to stack an Amazon online coupon to all these savings!  Check out the coupons here


I personally have 2 of these orange 20% off  inserts and will be taking advantage of this deal on top of the Subscribe & Save!  (Though hopefully Alaina will be potty trained before we even use half of these.) 

Check out what kind of deal you can get!


Here is an example of what one user (who had 3 20% off cards, the Subscribe & Save 30%, and an Amazon Coupon) did to purchase their box of diapers for $2.69!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Free Cheese! (YUMMY!)

Sign up to receive this free coupon for a block of Goat Cheese.  (Not a big fan, neither am I.  But, when I received the coupon I used it at HyVee and got the Basil & Roasted Garlic and it is SO YUMMY!  I am now sold--I will be buying this for future gatherings!)  Follow this link


Fill out the info, and you will get a coupon in the mail (to redeem in the store to get your cheese.)  Copp's does not carry this cheese, but I know HyVee does.

The form asks for a UPC (I don't think I entered one when I originally submitted for the cheese, but here is one that you can enter  070551786531 )

Be sure to use your extra email account you created for freebies when signing up for this offer.    MMM...Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Best Deals in Town this week!

Check out the best deals this week at Target, Walgreens, Hyvee, and Aldi.
* indicates that this item is at its lowest price.


Buy 1 Dial NutriSkin Body Wash (16 oz) for $3.99, Get $3 Register Reward

Use $1/1 Dial NutriSkin printable http://www.dialsoap.com/

Spend $2.99, get $3 Register Reward back

Final price: Free after coupon and Register Reward

Buy 1 Bausch & Lomb Bio True Multi-Purpose Solution (4 oz) for $4.99, Get $4 Register Reward

Use $1/1 Bausch & Lomb Biotrue Solution printable http://www.biotrue.com/coupon.html

Spend $3.99, get $4 Register Reward Back

Final price: Free after coupon and Register Reward

Buy 1 Schick Hydro 3 or 5 Blade Razor System or Cartridges for $7.99, Get $2 Register Reward

Use $5/1 Schick Hydro Razor from 8/8 Smart Source insert or $2/1 Schick Hydro Refill from 8/8 Smart Source insert

Spend $2.99, get $2 Register Reward Back

Plus, submit the Try-Me-Free Schick Hydro Mail-in Rebate if you haven’t already http://www.schickhydro.com/freehydro/

Final price: $0.99 after coupon and Register Reward or better than free after coupon, Register Reward and rebate**

**Look for specially-marked razor packages with a Free Shave Gel coupon attached.


Baby Carrots $0.69 lb

*Cantaloupe $0.99 each

*Grapes $0.89 lb


(Be sure to look at last week’s deals as they are still good this week. I was at HyVee today and they were out of fliers with the in-store coupons, however, they have said that they will honor the coupon prices. Just be sure to remind your cashier so they can give you the discount.)

In addition Hyvee is having a 1 Day sale on Friday with the following fabulous deals!

*Dole Lettuce $0.38 head (limit 2)

*Pepsi Products (2 Liter bottles) $0.69 (limit 8)
Get 2 for $0.69 when you use this BOGO fee coupon to make this deal all the sweeter! (you will need to “like” them on facebook)

*Palermo’s Pizza $1.67 each
Use this $1/1 coupon to get your pizza for $0.67 each!

Frozen Chicken breasts $3.99 for 2.5 lb

*Prego Pasta Sauce $0.99 (limit 2)
Or get 2 for $0.99 with this coupon

*Skippy Peanut Butter $0.99 jar (limit 2)
Use the $0.75 Q in the 8/1 RP to get 2 jars for $1.24!


Super Sticky Post IT Notes FREE with this Coupon

Thanks PocketYourDollars!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Being Green with Toilet Paper: Let's get to the bottom of it!

I was amazed by how quickly my family was going through toilet paper--and honestly, I think it all happened once my little boy was potty trained.  I knew there had to be a better way for me to invest (at a proper price) in toilet paper--(This sounds a bit ridiculous...I know), as well as teach or restrain my family from using too much.  Here are some tips on helping that roll last a little longer...

* When putting a new roll of toilet paper on, pinch the toilet paper so the roll is now oval instead of circular.  The toilet paper will then roll out slower helping little ones use a little less (as well as big ones--I have noticed the hubby uses a little less when I do this as well! :)

*Teach your child to use a certain number of squares.  Our magic number is "no more than four"  (and I try to encourage three).   You can also make this a fun game, by having them count out the squares as they pull the roll.    Here's a fun little rhyme. 

              One, Two--that won't do,
              Three, four, DON'T PULL MORE! 

*Fold, don't bunch the toilet paper.  You get more surface area, therefore use less toilet paper.  You can show your kids how to fold on the squares and then in half to help them. 

*Buy single ply 1000 sheet toilet paper for the kid bathrooms (or your own if you like).  Okay--yes NOBODY likes 1-ply, but have you ever actually purchased one of these rolls and put it in your house?  THEY LAST FOREVER!  Seriously...I experimented with this and put a roll in and it lasted OVER 2 weeks!  And we usually go through a double roll of 2-ply in 2 days!   If your kids aren't counting squares (or even if they are) you will be amazed by how long these rolls last.  These rolls go on sale at least once a month at Walgreen's for $0.50 each, or I will find them at my local grocery store occassionally for $0.40 each--this is my stock up price on these.  (And yes, in my house, these rolls are for the children!)

*Finally--Stock up on toilet paper when the price is right.  My buy price for 2 ply 12 Double rolls is $4.00.  I watch for when my grocery store has a sale and then match it with a coupon.  I will buy as much as I can whenever I can get this price, knowing--we will ALWAYS need toilet paper.  And then when you don't see a sale for a while, you have plenty stocked up. 

How do you save on Toilet Paper?  Please share any tips & tricsk!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Free after Rebate: Kellogg's Cereals

Try any of the following Kellogg's cereal and get your money back. (The box must say "Try Me Free") (Coupons are listed below in the links.) 

Kellogg's Cinnabon
(need to purchase 3 boxes of any Kellogg's)

Kellogg's Simply Cinnamon Corn Flakes
http://www2.kelloggs.com/Product/KelloggCoupon.aspx?id=1992 (need to purchase 3 boxes of any  Kellogg's)

Kellogg’s FiberPlus Berry Yogurt Crunch Cereal

Kellogg’s FiberPlus Cinnamon Oat Crunch Cereal

(use a coupon to "make money off the deal".  Also purchase in separate transactions so you can send in your original receipt with each one.  This week would be a good week to buy one of these cereals at Copp's since you can double 10 coupons this week.  I have been purchasing these cereals on separate trips to help me get to my $25 threshhold, knowing I will get the money back.  This deal is good through June of 2011.)

Free Razor after rebate (and make some money!)

Currently Schick Hydro Razor has a "Try Me Free Rebate"  That means you can buy it, then fill out the attached form with your receipt and get the purchase price back.  (You must purchase by Aug 18)

Here is the link


This is also a MONEY making deal.  This week you can buy the razor for $7.99 at Walgreen's and get $2 Register Rewards AND if you get the paper, you can use the coupon from today's Smart Source to save an additional $5!

This means you would pay 0.99 out of pocket, get $2 back in RR AND $7.99 from the rebate! --you make $8 and get a razor!  (If you have not done rebate's before most all rebates are for the store price before coupons.  Therefore, if you have a coupon you can get back additional money.)  I have not paid any money for razors since I started my coupon journey back in February.  There are many razor coupons out there (usually from the paper).  Keep an eye out for the Schick Razor coupons for $3 off any razor.  You can also use these coupons at Walmart to get a 12 pack of disposable razors for free. 

Rebates: Getting your money back (and making money!)

I always do rebates at Menard's...it is a part of the cycle of getting us home improvement items--and it saves us LOTS of money. I recently discovered there is an array of rebates out there--in particular for groceries. 

In fact, I have to credit the last four bottles of lotions I purchased for FREE (actually I made $2.50) to rebates...and nice bottles--Olay! In fact, many rebates you may be able to make money off of! The rebates will ask you to purchase $xx in products and they will reimburse you--this means BEFORE coupons! Just to break this down for you. Olay has had NUMEROUS rebates for buying their lotion and to top that--they have had lots of coupons.

The first rebate I did with them, I did not have any coupons (My precouponing days.). The rebate simply said, buy 3 of their products and they will give you $15 rebate. I purchased 3 lotions for $13.50 + tax and sure enough I received back $15. Take tax and stamp into account--I got 3 bottles of lotion for free and made $1! Their next rebate was to simply buy a bottle of lotion and receive a rebate for the bottle. I bought another lotion for $4.50 and used a $1 coupon which I doubled (spent $2.50 + stamp for rebate) and I received a rebate for $4.50. (I made $1.50 again!). So do you see how this works???

So there are many items for free or close to free with rebates--How do companies do it?

Well, they rely on you, the consumer, to be inspired to buy the product via the rebate and then count on you to FAIL in sending in the rebate. You can fail two different ways in sending a rebate in 1.) You forget to send it in or 2.) You don't fill out the rebate correctly. Here is what I do to succeed.

When unloading my purchases I either immediately fill out the rebate OR I put it on the counter where I won't miss it. I then give the completed rebate to Rob to "proofread" & mail. Remember failure 2 is not filling it out correctly.  If it is a larger rebate, I will scan the receipt and form. I will then also put on my calendar when I expect to receive my rebate. (For example, if it is 6 weeks from now I will mark "Olay Rebate" 6 weeks out.) If I don't receive it, then I can look at my scan and give a call. (So far I have NEVER had to do this.)

Finally, you can also receive money from class action suits. (These suits usually come from false advertising.) These lawsuits basically state if you bought such and such, fill out this form and you will receive money. (Many forms are online, YEAH!) Don't expect to see your money for a long time...remember this is a lawsuit settlement. However, if you fill them out periodically as you discover them, you will eventually see some returns. Some you don't even have to have proof for--but be sure to be honest. I don't file a claim for products I know I don't buy.

So let's get you started on some good rebates that are currently out there....Here are the forms. (Actually there is only one online currently that I am aware of. Boo-hoo--I will start hooking you up with other rebates soon!)


Buy any Schick Razor and get your money back!

Try any of the following Kellogg's cereal and get your money back.  (The box must say "Try Me Free")

Kellogg's Cinnabon

Kellogg's Simply Cinnamon Corn Flakes

Kellogg’s FiberPlus Berry Yogurt Crunch Cereal

Kellogg’s FiberPlus Cinnamon Oat Crunch Cereal

(use a coupon to "make money off the deal".   Also purchase in separate transactions so you can send in your original receipt with each one. )

Class Action Suits

Did you purchase DanActive yogurt or Activia before April 23, 2010? Receive $30 to $100. No proof needed.


Did you purchase a lawnmower between 1994 - 2010? You could get an extended warranty or up to $75 back. See this link for details...


So in the future, I will let you know about cool rebates/class action suits as I come across them. As you can see PYD lady does a lot of the work for me, but I sometimes find other ones. (Not to mention your grocery store will often have ones.)

Thanks Pocket Your Dollars

Friday, August 6, 2010

Double 10 Coupons at Copp's this Weds! (August 11)

My first double couponing experience.  All this for $4 and I received a coupon for free milk and eggs.  I was so shocked I had to go back and try again later that day...

$16.62 later I had bought all of this AND received 3 coupons for free gallons of milk and 3 dozen eggs.  This is when I got hooked!  (BTW--cereal makes great snack alternatives.  My kids love it!)
On Double Double Days at Copp’s you can double up to 10 coupons. This is how I stock up on a lot of my food and save lots of money. I purposely wait for these days.

If you aren’t a coupon person, no worries, let me introduce you to “Carrie” from Pocket Your Dollars. She takes the Copp’s flyer and finds coupons online (and from the paper) for you. You can then figure out great deals and simply print out her coupons. (I apologize I got this post out a little late—some of the online coupons are already gone! A lot of the companies have not reset their allotment for the month, usually there is much more!) Here is her link for this Weds deals:


This week is a really good stock up week for Kellogg’s items (includes crackers, cereals, breakfast bars, shakes) as the flyer says, “buy 10 items at $2.50 each and get $10 off your next purchase”. So technically you could buy 10 Kellogg’s products for $25 (you must have $25 of items in order to get your coupons doubled), use 10 $1 off coupons and have $20 taken off your purchase. You would pay $5 out of pocket and then receive $10 off your next grocery purchase. (See how this works  ! Now you are actually receiving free groceries AND making money off the store! )

So you probably are a little mystified by all this—or a little overwhelmed saying “I don’t have 10 $1 off coupons.” If you start noticing coupons a little more you soon will. Also if you have access to more than one computer you can print out additional coupons. The coupon limit is normally 2 – 3 prints per computer. After printing your first time, press the back button a couple of times and you should be able to print again, or just go back to the link. I often send the coupons to my husband to print out at work to get 4- 6 prints of a high value coupon. There are also other ways…

For example, magazines have TONS of them. If you get Parents, Family Fun, or Family Circle perhaps you have noticed the Ronzoni pasta coupon for $1 off? (It has been in every issue for the past year.) Ronzoni pasta is $1.69 shelf price at Copp’s. I like to wait for it to go on sale for $1/box. I then take my $1 coupon and double it. This results in FREE pasta and $1 to go towards my extra purchases. In fact, I haven’t paid for pasta in the last 9 months and I have a nice stock from these fabulous coupons.

And of course the newspaper has inserts every Sunday. Many people don’t use these inserts so you could pick them up from a friend or neighbor. I personally subscribe to the Sunday & Weds paper and have found that I save so much money that it more than pays up for my subscription (though I wouldn’t do this unless you were committed to couponing.)

So a couple extra pointers in helping you save money. If you are buying more than $50 of food, try to split your groceries up in $25 purchases (remember you must have $25 of items in order to double!). Then you can double 10 coupons with each purchase. (I will do 2 purchases back to back to do this, or I will just drop my first purchase in the car and come back and do my second. If you go at a less busy time of day, the cashiers don’t mind if I do 2 transactions. Always ask first though.) And finally, Copp’s only doubles up to $1. Unfortunately, you will not be able to double those $1.50 coupons.

Are you mystified by this and think I spend a lot of time doing this? Well, I don’t. Every week during one of my favorite shows, I take Carrie’s list and make my own and pull out/print my coupons. I am done in less than an hour and I watched my favorite tv show.

I also have had people tell me that I am probably buying things now “just because I have a coupon.” That’s not true either. My motto is “unless I get it for free with the coupon, I am not going to buy something I would not normally get.” This is also how I am also able to keep my limits and watch my grocery bill dive from over $300 a month (yes I was a frugal shopper even before all of this) to about $200 a month for a family of 4 and still stock food!

I also think stocking is key. You need to know when food is a good price and then buy what you need until the next time it goes on sale. It took a few months to figure out how much I needed to stock and for how long, but now I am doing well. In fact, my first few months of couponing, I was spending about the same amount before I couponed, but I was stocking up on additional food and figuring out how to save! And that is where this blog comes in. I am hoping to make the ropes a little easier for others and get them into savings too!

So what do you think?  Are you going to try it out?  How have your couponing experiences been?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Olbrich Gardens: See the Butterflies for $1

I LOVE the butterfly exhibit at Olbrich gardens.  The first time I went though, I didn't like it.  We went, stood in a LONG line and then the place was crowded and the butterflies were scarce.  Afterwards, I spoke to one of the volunteers on best times to see the butterflies.  She told me, the 3-4 days after the exhibit ends.  They don't just get rid of the butterflies after the exhibit ends.  They just don't hatch anymore.  You will then just pay the $1 to get in the consevancy and have the place to yourself!

Now, every year, I put the end of the exhibit on my calendar and make sure to go in the couple days after it ends.  There are no lines and we ususally have the conservancy to ourselves.  Last year we were even lucky enough to have several butterflies land on us.

This year the last day of the exhibit is this Sunday, August 8th--so Mon - Weds would probably be the best days to go.

BTW--I am going on Monday, Aug 9th around 10:30 AM if anyone cares to join  us.  I will probably pack a picnic lunch for the kids.

What's your favorite butterfly?

Refinancing your home - 3.875% for 15 year loan!

My husband recently discovered that 15 year interest rates are at an all time low at 3.875%.  My husband, Mr. Numbers Guy, has already calculated that if we refinance from our current 30 year loan (at 4.75%) to the current 15 year rate, we will actually only need to pay $100 extra a month on our mortgage.  (This $100, I can happily say, we can do since we are now saving so much money on groceries! Yeah us!) What an awesome opportunity!

AND this also means that 65% of our payment will go to the principal now as opposed to the current 40% !  I am so excited to think that we could have our house paid for in 15 years.  We don't plan to stay her for more than 5 years, but still to walk away with that much more when we sell--how exciting!
If you are currently in a 30 year loan you may want to look at your options of refinancing.  My husband found that Summit Credit Union has the cheapest closing costs of $1100 and it could be less if you get the appraisal waved--they also are currently at 3.875%.

If you are interested in finding out what sort of change in payments you would have if you moved from your current loan to the 15 year loan, call Summit, or your bank.  They will be happy to crunch the numbers for you.  (After all they sell these loans for a living.) 

Along with Rob's number crunches, we also always look at how quickly would we make back the closing costs (this is important to us, since this is extra money coming out of our pockets.)  This may be something you would want to look at too.  We found out that within a year we would more than make up that $1100 closing cost!  This definitely makes it worth while.

You probably don't want to wait too long to do this, as interest rates may go back up soon (then again they could keep going down...).  

So what options did you find in refinancing your home?  Any advice?

Try Sam's Club Free, Aug 6 - 8

Sam's club is open to all and you can buy things at member prices this Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

I hear you can pick up some really great deals on meat there.

I do have to say, they sent me a flier and I was not impressed by their prices on what I saw (I do better at my local grocery store.) 

What great deals do you find at Sam's Club?  Is it worth the membership?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Free Sticky Notes

Here is an offer to get free sticky notes:


So why should you take the time to fill out these freebies....

Well. not only do you get fun free items, but....you get coupons that often lead to free items (or very cheap items!)  (and they help you easily get to the $25 threshhold to double your coupons--If you aren't familiar with this I will put up a blog entry soon.)

**If you haven't already set up an email address on one of the free servers (hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc...) for these offers, do so first so you don't clutter your own personal inbox with any emails (advertisements) you may get from these companies.

HyVee Deals good through Aug 14

I don't normally shop HyVee, but the last several of weeks they have had GREAT deals.  Grab a flyer when you enter the store to get the "in ad coupons".  I am also "*" the foods that are at Rock Bottom price (meaning it will be hard to find a better deal and you most likely won't see the same price for several months.)  I try to stock up on these products when they are at their lowest, so I don't have to pay full price later.

Crayons, gluestick 2 pack, glue, 1 subject notebooks   $0.19 (prices will go up as the school year gets closer)

*HyVee fruit snacks 10 for $10

*Pepsi $0.99
If Pepsi Max is included Q is B1G1

Kraft dressing $1.88
Q for $0.55 off 1 so you could print several

Deli creations $2
(Check the boxes, many have $1 peelie, if you buy 2 you get a free lunchbox with coupon in flyer, if you have 2 with peelies you will pay $2 total and get a lunchbox! I did this deal today!)

*Green Beans,Pears, & Peaches $0.99/lb
($1/lb is my goal price for produce, exception being bananas, cherries, blueberries)

*Braeburn apples $0.88 lb
(These are HUGE apples!)

*Celery $0.97 each

*Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast $1.99 lb
In Ad Coupons

*Cream Cheese $0.88 (Limit 1)
(There is currently a deal at Copp’s, buy 5 Kraft Cheeses including Philly Cream Cheese and get $5 back on next purchase. There are coupons out there to get $2 off the cream cheese. If you buy 5 @$1.25 and use $2 off you will pay $4.25 for 5 cream cheese and get $5 back on your next purchase. I have personally done this and froze my cream cheese to use for Xmas baking.) I will try to get that deal up in the next day or two.

StarKist Tuna $0.39 (Limit 1)

HyVee Mac & Cheese $0.19 (Limit 2)

*4 LB Cane sugar $1.48 (Limit 1)

*MCF Apple Juice/Cider 64 oz $0.88 (Limit 1)

Lemonade 64 oz $0.88 (Limit 1)

*HyVee Margerine 2 for $1 (Limit 2)

*Ramen Noodles 10 for $1 (Must purchase 10)

Barilla Pasta $0.88 (Limit 1) (Q Is for $1/2)  

Kraft BBQ sauce $0.69 (Limit 1)

*HyVee Apple Sauce 23oz $0.88 (Limit 1)  (I love applesauce, I use it to replace much of the oil and some sugar when I bake!  A healthy and yummier alternative!)

*HyVee fruit snacks 10 for $10

*Pepsi $0.99 
If Pepsi Max is included Q is B1G1

Kraft dressing $1.88
Q for $0.55 off 1 so you could print several

Deli creations $2
(Check the boxes, many have $1 peelie, if you buy 2 you get a free lunchbox with coupon in flyer, if you have 2 with peelies you will pay $2 total and get a lunchbox!  I did this deal today!)

*Green Beans,Pears, & Peaches $0.99/lb
($1/lb is my goal price for produce, exception being bananas)

*Braeburn apples $0.88 lb
(These are HUGE apples!)
*Celery $0.97 each

*Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast $1.99 lb

*Cream Cheese $0.88 (Limit 1)
(There is currently a deal at Copp’s, buy 5 Kraft Cheeses including Philly Cream Cheese and get $5 back on next purchase. There are coupons out there to get $2 off the cream cheese. If you buy 5 @$1.25 and use $2 off you will pay $4.25 for 5 cream cheese and get $5 back on your next purchase. I have personally done this and froze my cream cheese to use for Xmas baking.)  I will try to get that deal up in the next day or two.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Free Dove Hair Care Sample

Fill this out to get a free sample of Dove Hair care


If you haven't already set up an email address on one of the free servers (hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc...) for these offers, do so first so you don't clutter your own personal inbox. Also, I never put my phone number in these forms. I usually just put 000-000-0000. 

Free after Rewards at Walgreen's: Contact Solution & Crayons (& make a little $)

This week August 1 - 7, these are the "free" items you can get at Walgreen's.

(You can actually make money off of the Contact Solution if you have the $2 Q from the Red Plum insert 5/16.) 
(I LOVE $1 Rewards...I will take this Reward to Copp's on Double coupon Day and then Double it--givng me a $2 credit towards my groceries!)

(This one is a mail-in rebate that will print when you check out.)

What makes these deals even better this week is you can pair these "Free" items with the Walgreen's 15% coupon (20% off any Walgreen brand products) and have a few money makers!  This coupon is only good through Weds, August 4th!  Here is a link to the coupon for you to print.

Here is another great deal if you pair it with the 15% off coupon. 

Walgreen's AA Batteries are $0.99 per 6 pack (use coupon in flier).  With 20% Q it will be $0.80/pack

Get $3 RR WYB (2) Playtex Gentle Glide or Sport Tampons 18pk, 2/$8
  Buy 2 – Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons 2/$8 ($6.80 after 15% Q)
   Use 2-$1/1 Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons 18ct+ Print Coupon Here (should be on page 4)
   Total = $4.80, Get Back $3 RR
   $1.80 or $.90 Each!
If you haven't done Walgreen's Rewards before, make sure to read below to see how it works.
I was TOTALLY not a Walgreen's shopper. In fact, I rarely step foot in Walgreen's. However, Walgreen's is EVERYWHERE! Which actually made my first step to saving money easy. I go to the library every week. Walgreen's is next to the library. So now when I need to go to Walgreen's, I just park between the library and Walgreen's and do both runs at the same time. AND I am in and out of the store usually within 5 minutes. It fits in my schedule easily.

So why Walgreen's? Walgreen's has a program called Walgreen's rewards. You buy a product, they will then give you a coupon (good for 2 weeks) off your next purchase. This coupon/reward is often worth the same amount as the purchase price of the product. THIS is how I get a lot of my necessities for free--shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, feminine necessities, soap, shaving stuff, etc... All I actually pay for is the tax of the item.

What is so AWESOME about this is--you can take that reward and then use it at other stores (first check that the store accepts Walgreen's rewards and then make sure the store also carries products from that manufacturer--the reward is actually a coupon.)  I usually take the coupon to my grocery store and apply it towards my grocery bill. If you reuse the coupon at Walgreen's--things can get complicated...Refer to this link to help you figure that out...(this is why it is just easier to apply the reward to my weekly grocery bill.)


There are also neat ways you can actually MAKE money at Walgreen's....Hello Coupon World!
For example, I will go to Walgreen's tomorrow morning and purchase the crayons for $0.90 (with the 15% Coupon) and then receive $1 Reward.  I will then take that Reward to Copp's (where I get my groceries) and double it on double coupon day.  This will give me a $2 credit towards my groceries--so in essence, I just made $1.10 and I got free crayons.  You will want to check with your grocery store that they accept Walgreen's Rewards, but I know that Copp's on Shopko Drive will.  I also have heard that Cub food accepts them, but I would check that out first. 
Other great deals (non-rewards) I see at Walgreen's include--dish soap. You can always stack in-store coupons with Manufacturer coupons. Often I will get my dish soap for around $0.50 with their in-store 0.99 coupon and a coupon I have.
HONEY! We go through a LOT of honey. The cheapest I have found honey is $3.69 for 20 oz at Aldi. However, Walgreen's has a 32 oz honey that goes on sale about once a month for $3.99 with store coupon AND there is a $1 coupon for it--so you can get it for $2.99!
Jello/Pudding --yeah--I am not a big fan either, but the kids like it. Once a month I see it for 4 or 5 boxes for $1 with store coupon. I have also purchased name brand diapers for around $4 a pack as well by using Rewards and coupons.

Those are the deals I enjoy at Walgreen's. But like I said, I really just use the store for my freebies and then apply the Reward dollars towards my grocery bill. This is how I have pretty much eliminated my monthly Walmart run saving us anywhere from $50 - $100 per month. (And yes--I do stock up on things, because I don't always know when things will next go on sale.)

This week I plan to buy the crayons & markers, Dawn dish soap (I have a Q so I will get it for 0.50 with their in-store 0.99 coupon), & Walgreen Batteries.  I expect to pay around $5.50, but get $5 back when I double my crayon RR.  Not too shabby!  What are you buying?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Being Green with Hand Soap

We are FREQUENT hand washers in my family and we used to go through soap so fast, until now.

(The short story)

If you are looking to save money on liquid hand soap, invest in a soap dispenser with a "foaming nozzle." (really it's just a fancy aerator...but that's another story...) Then when the dispenser is empty, refill half of it with normal liquid soap and the other half with water. And then watch your soap usage get cut in half OR MORE! (I personally have seen our usage drop by 75%!)

(The Long Story)
It is interesting how most soap pumps are made.  They actually dispense way more soap than you need.  You don't need that much to get a nice lather.  I had adjusted my own personal dispense uses to be accurate, however when it came to my son--he was "no holds bar!"  In fact, I would find soap all down the side of the sink and the counter.  He used WAY too much.  Not to mention, he would struggle getting a nice lather with his little hands.  Then one day he broke our nice soap dispenser, so off to the store I went. 
I planned to get a cheap dispenser, since I didn't want another broken one and settled on a Dial "foaming" soap dispenser.  This WAS the solution!  The soap use was less, he didn't have to work so hard to lather, and I didn't find soap all over my sink.   It was wonderful.  That is until we ran out.  No way was I going to spend $1.75 on another dispenser or $4 + on refill soap!  That's insane!  (and of course the bottle says "only refill with Dial foaming soap".) 

Well, I am a girl to break all the rules and so I did.  I took my normal liquid hand soap and filled the dispenser half way up with soap and the other half with water.  Put the nozzle on, shook, and VOILA!--Foaming soap.  And I only used half of my normal soap!  These companies are trying to get you to pay more for water!  (Look at the ingredients!  They are pretty smart!)  But I figured them out and now you have too!

Old Navy: 50% off Clearance Items

Old Navy has expanded its 50% off to include ALL clearance items!

This weekend at Old Navy, I got some wonderful things.  I got swim trunks for my son Kylan for $2.50 and 3 shirts for myself for $8.  My husband got a pair of jeans for $7.50 and a dress shirt (like the one here but in blue) for $2.50!  If you need to get things for next summer, now is the time to go!

Lots of clothes entries...and well that is because I buy most of my clothes the two times of year when they are REALLY cheap! (Which is now, and then in February.)

Free Picaboo 20 page photo book, just pay $8.99 S & H

If you are looking ahead to Christmas this could make an incredible gift!  These are high quality hard cover photobooks (something you would put on your coffee table.) 

This offer is for first time customer's only.  Simple go here


enter in your email address and then download the software to begin your book.  There are lots of ways to customize your book.  When you are done, enter the promo code:  FREEBK  when you check out. 

I think I will be making a nice book of the grandkids for a special Grandma.  What are you going to make?

Thanks Pocketyourdollars

Free Box of Better Oats Cereal

Click here and fill out the form to get a coupon for a free box of Better Oats. 


I love these freebies, because these coupons help me to get to the $25 threshhold for doubling coupons, so I actually end up paying very little for groceries!

If you haven't already set up an email address on one of the free servers (hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc...) for these offers, do so first so you don't clutter your own personal inbox.  Also, I never put my phone number in these forms.  I usually just put 000-000-0000.

Thanks Becentsable!