Monday, August 9, 2010

Being Green with Toilet Paper: Let's get to the bottom of it!

I was amazed by how quickly my family was going through toilet paper--and honestly, I think it all happened once my little boy was potty trained.  I knew there had to be a better way for me to invest (at a proper price) in toilet paper--(This sounds a bit ridiculous...I know), as well as teach or restrain my family from using too much.  Here are some tips on helping that roll last a little longer...

* When putting a new roll of toilet paper on, pinch the toilet paper so the roll is now oval instead of circular.  The toilet paper will then roll out slower helping little ones use a little less (as well as big ones--I have noticed the hubby uses a little less when I do this as well! :)

*Teach your child to use a certain number of squares.  Our magic number is "no more than four"  (and I try to encourage three).   You can also make this a fun game, by having them count out the squares as they pull the roll.    Here's a fun little rhyme. 

              One, Two--that won't do,
              Three, four, DON'T PULL MORE! 

*Fold, don't bunch the toilet paper.  You get more surface area, therefore use less toilet paper.  You can show your kids how to fold on the squares and then in half to help them. 

*Buy single ply 1000 sheet toilet paper for the kid bathrooms (or your own if you like).  Okay--yes NOBODY likes 1-ply, but have you ever actually purchased one of these rolls and put it in your house?  THEY LAST FOREVER!  Seriously...I experimented with this and put a roll in and it lasted OVER 2 weeks!  And we usually go through a double roll of 2-ply in 2 days!   If your kids aren't counting squares (or even if they are) you will be amazed by how long these rolls last.  These rolls go on sale at least once a month at Walgreen's for $0.50 each, or I will find them at my local grocery store occassionally for $0.40 each--this is my stock up price on these.  (And yes, in my house, these rolls are for the children!)

*Finally--Stock up on toilet paper when the price is right.  My buy price for 2 ply 12 Double rolls is $4.00.  I watch for when my grocery store has a sale and then match it with a coupon.  I will buy as much as I can whenever I can get this price, knowing--we will ALWAYS need toilet paper.  And then when you don't see a sale for a while, you have plenty stocked up. 

How do you save on Toilet Paper?  Please share any tips & tricsk!

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