Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Being Green with Reusable Bags

I don't want to preach to the choir--you all know about how wonderful Reusable Bags are--but I am going to challenge you a little further. 

I have around 15 reusable bags and I have spent no more than $0.50 on all of them.  Some I have received for free from stores and friends.  My main supply of reusable bags actually came from Menard's.  Periodically, Mendards will have their bags on sale for $1.00 each and then offer a $1.00 rebate for up to 10.  This is how I got all of my reusable bags for free--(the $0.50 I paid is for the rebate envelope & stamp.)  How cool is that?!  I have since used these bags many times and have actually MADE money off of them.  AND--if you are a Menard's shopper they will occassionally have sales for 15% off anything you can fit in their reusable bag (even Sale priced items!)

Did you know that at many stores they will actually give you a discount for each bag that you bring in?  Here are stores that I know of in the Madison area that will give you a $0.05 discount per bag that you use/bring in.

Willy St. Co-op (Thanks Kristen!)
Sentry (gives a $0.02 discount)
Aldi's--they don't give a discount, but if you don't bring your own you may have to purchase one of their bags or find a box to put your groceries in.  (This is also how Aldi's is able to keep their prices so low.) 

Of course, if you are the creative type, you could always make your own reusable bag out of a t-shirt or towel.  (And what a WONDERFUL way to package a Christmas gift and ADD to your present!) Check out this site if you want to get your "crafty" on!


Do you know of any other stores that discount for reusable bags?  Let me know so I can add it to the list.

Stay tuned to "what you can do with those disposable bags!"

1 comment:

  1. Willy St. Coop offers a discount! Thanks for posting the bag tutorial link. I love the pattern for produce bags from old sheers (which I happen to have a ton of in a box somewhere!). :)
