Thursday, August 5, 2010

Olbrich Gardens: See the Butterflies for $1

I LOVE the butterfly exhibit at Olbrich gardens.  The first time I went though, I didn't like it.  We went, stood in a LONG line and then the place was crowded and the butterflies were scarce.  Afterwards, I spoke to one of the volunteers on best times to see the butterflies.  She told me, the 3-4 days after the exhibit ends.  They don't just get rid of the butterflies after the exhibit ends.  They just don't hatch anymore.  You will then just pay the $1 to get in the consevancy and have the place to yourself!

Now, every year, I put the end of the exhibit on my calendar and make sure to go in the couple days after it ends.  There are no lines and we ususally have the conservancy to ourselves.  Last year we were even lucky enough to have several butterflies land on us.

This year the last day of the exhibit is this Sunday, August 8th--so Mon - Weds would probably be the best days to go.

BTW--I am going on Monday, Aug 9th around 10:30 AM if anyone cares to join  us.  I will probably pack a picnic lunch for the kids.

What's your favorite butterfly?

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