Thursday, December 30, 2010

648 Huggies Wipes for $7!

I just bought 648 Huggies wipes for $7 courtesy of Toys R' Us.  If you have it shipped to Toys R' Us or Babies R'Us you get FREE shipping!

Great deal for those with/expecting a baby.  Here's what you do...

Go to

add 3 Huggies Natural Care Fragrance Free Refill Baby Wipes (216 ct per refill pack) to your cart (or you can pick other varieties).  Each package is priced at $6.99, but the deal is buy 3 for $7.  Choose in-store pick-up to receive free shipping.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Last Minute Christmas Gifts (or gifts to keep in mind for next year!)

Mint Tea I have made in the past
This blog is for the “last minute, I don’t know what to buy them”, Christmas shoppers.

We all have family members that really don’t need anything. Or how about those people that you want to give a gift to but you don’t know what they would like. For those people, I like to put together some homemade EDIBLE gifts. (Everybody likes to eat, right??) Here are a few things I have done over the years.

Every year, we make baskets of goodies for loved ones. I pick up the baskets throughout the year at garage sales or thrift stores. This year, I scored big and purchased 10 VERY nice baskets for $1 at the Salvation Army. Usually, baskets run me about $0.25 - $0.50 each. In lieu of baskets, I have also used various decorative tins that I have found in garage sales as well as Christmas bags which I have picked up on clearance after the holidays.

In these baskets we place tissue paper and then stuff them with goodies. These goodies usually include bags of various cookies we have baked, homemade bread, and jams or jellies I have preserved for the year. (On the jars, I will write—“For more Jam next year, please return the jar and screw band.” ) I will often receive them back, and for those I don’t, it isn’t a big deal since I usually pick up 12 – 24 jars every year in a garage sale for cheap. But as always I like to encourage reuse of items so they don’t get tossed.

Homemade Jelly

Other things we have put in the baskets have included herbs, dry soups and cookie mixes, and hand sewn napkins, stockings, aprons, etc...

I know this blog is pretty late for this year, but here are some great ideas to keep in mind for next year.

Herbs-I grow my own herbs in the summer. In the fall, I will cut them and hang them to dry for 1 – 2 weeks. I then cut off the leaves and split the herbs between baby food jars (that I have saved or other people have saved for me) and decorate.

Herbs in decorated baby food jars

Dry Soup mixes- Check out these recipes to make your own dried soup mixes. Simply place in a quart canning jar, tape on directions, and VOILA you have created an instant dinner for someone you love. (You could also make your own biscuit mix to accompany the soup mix.) Here are some recipes.

Calico Bean Soup

Chicken Rice Soup

Country Soup in a Jar

Love Soup

And here is a webpage with a TON more!

Biscuit Mix-This is similar to Bisquick. You simply add milk and bake! (Add some of your favorite Bisquick recipes to the outside of the jar.)

Cookie Mixes—These you make the same as soup mixes. Layer the ingredients in the jar to make it “pretty” and tape the instructions on the outside.

The possibilities here are endless—Take a look!

What kind of home-made gifts do you like to give?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

60 photo cards for $5.00 Shipped Overnight

I am excited.  I just created a Christmas card and ordered 60 of them for $5.06.  Processing takes a couple of days, but they will be shipped overnight.  At the latest I will receive them on December 15th.

So here is the scoop!

*Sign up for a new account on (or login to your existing account)

*Create a 4×8 single flat Photo Card

*Add 60 cards to your cart

*Start the checkout process

*Enter coupon code 50cards

*Change shipping time to Overnight.

*Your final cost should come to $4.80 + tax.  (Mine totaled $5.06!)

Take advantage of this deal soon!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Free Wisconsin State Journal Subscription for 13 weeks

Gotta love FREE!  And think of all the FREE coupons you will get with your paper.

You cannot be a current subscriber (or have been a subscriber in the last 30 days) to take advantage of this deal (bummer for me!)  Go to this link and fill out the info.  This is a DELIVERED paper, so you must be in the delivery area (Madison area).

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saving Money....on Portraits

I know you have the MOST BEAUTIFUL CHILD(REN) and of course you want to capture those milestone pictures.  You want a beautiful picture to show your child at each age...and yes we are talking the typical 3,6,9,12,18 month and then yearly and of course family and Christmas portraits AND you want enough to share with family and close friends.  Not to mention they make WONDERFUL (& inexpensive) Christmas/birthday presents to those parent/grandparents/aunts/uncles who have everything.

Before you take your child in for their pictures, realize that you do own a digital camera and you are probably already taking MANY pictures of your children (and if you don't own one, I suggest purchasing one and then keeping it readily available to capture all of those beautiful candids.)  I keep mine hanging on our coat rack on the hallway.  And yes, I am ALWAYS grabbing it.  You probably already have quite a few incredible pictures of your child that you could choose to print as your own collection via printer or take it to a store (via person or email) and have your own collection printed.  Walmart has a standard collection starting at $5 (1 8x10, 2 5x7, and 16 wallets).  Walgreen's also has an Ultimate Family Package currently priced at $9.99 ( 20 4x6, 3 5x7, 3 8x10, 20 Wallets). 

However if you are like me, you probably like to get that good up-close portrait at each milestone taken professionally.  Here are my favorite places to go and how I save.

First of all, before I go I remind myself that I am here for 1 good photo.  I don't need 4 different poses.  Afterall--where am I going to put up all these pictures AND where will they go after I get the next milestone picture done.  There is only so much wall space, and I don't want to pay a fortune for pictures I may only have up on my wall for a few months.  If I have one child, I go to JC Penney.  The staff tend to be VERY good.  They listen to what I want (I don't want props--I want that ONE good picture), and they take their time with me knowing I will not be buying much--they know me well enough now.)  There are MANY coupons out their for JC Penney to get 1 free sitting and then a portrait package (2 8x10, 4 5x7, 4 3x5, 6 wallets for $7.99).

Here is a link to their coupons (I will warn you that they change the coupon close to Christmas to be a little more because of the rush.  However, if you look in any parenting magazines from months prior to Christmas you will find the $7.99 deal--this has been consistant for over 4 years now.)

If you are in LOVE with various poses, you can use the $3.99/sheet coupon in lieu of the $7.99 one.

So do I pay $7.99 for my pictures---No, I pay $4.99!  After each photo session, I am sent, via email, a link to complete a survey.  It takes less than 5 minutes to complete.  I do it immediately when it is sent and print it out.  The coupon is for $3 off your next photo session.  I then save it for our next session.

So what do you do if you FALL in love with another picture or they have made this INCREDIBLE collage.  Well--I always allow myself to splurge from time to time.  I have 2 wonderful collages of Ky & Alaina in my living room.  Each cost an additional $15, but they were worth it.  Sometimes they have another pose I fall in love with and will allow myself to buy it--anywhere from $8 - $12.  But before I buy I always remind myself of my goal.  And I remind myself that I have WONDERFUL pictures that I have taken at home. 

Family & Christmas portraits

JC Penney only gives you 1 free sitting fee with their coupon.  I don't like to pay sitting fees, so I avoid it at all costs (and honestly I think memberships are a waste).  Once a year I try to get the family's picture done as well as a Christmas picture with just the kids together.  For this I go to Portrait Innovations.

They have a pretty good $9.99 package deal with no sitting fees (One - 10 x 13, Four - 3 x 5s, Two - 8 x 10s, Four - 5x7s, And 32 Wallets, for Christmas then add an additional 9 Greeting cards).

Once again, when I am there, I remind myself that I am there for one portrait.  I have lots of pictures at home--I don't need more.  I honestly have never bought more than one pose from them--their prices were just WAY too expensive.  Which makes it easier to leave and you walk out with your pictures in 15 minutes (after choosing your pose). 

So what if you don't have enough pictures for everyone.  Well, you could choose to make your own package through the Walmart deal($5) or you could choose to go back for another sitting (I have done this once before, but due to time prefer not to.)  Or, you could wait until you pick up your photos at JC Penney--they always try to get you to buy more before you leave.  Often they are discounted $5 - $8 a sheet of varying sizes.  Usually my option is the Walmart option.   It's a bit cheaper and I get lots more. 

Where do you like to go for portraits?  And how do you save money?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saving having one meatless dinner a week

I cook dinner about 3 times a week.  The other nights we eat leftovers (which are sometimes reinvented) and often we will have one pizza night.

The most expensive item at the store is meat.  You usually spend a minimum of $2/lb for your meat and this becomes the basis for your meal.  By skipping the meat in one meal a week, you will find yourself saving money and creating new delicious dinner alternatives.

Last week I made Baked Ziti without meat (see above pic).  In fact I made 2 pans--one for myself and one for a friend.  One pan for my family lasted 2 dinners and 1 lunch (3 family meals.)  The total cost for making two pans for Baked Ziti--around $1.75.   If I had added meat, the cost would have been closer to $4.75.  The difference really is astounding.

Here are some ideas to make a yummy "no meat" meal.

Tacos or taco salad with black beans or chick peas
Pasta without meat
Breakfast meals make FUN dinners--we usually have pancakes on Sunday night and then the leftovers make yummy breakfasts for the week.
Egg Mcmuffins--if you don't have english muffins, use biscuits or rolls
Egg bakes (put assorted veggies in  and top with cheese)
Grilled Cheese
Grilled peanut butter and jelly (this is MUCH yummier than it sounds)
Quesadillas (take 2 tortillas and put cheese, beans, salsa, guacomole--whatever you like in between and bake either in the oven or microwave)
Nachos--(top tortilla chips with beans, cheese and your choice of toppings.  Heat in oven until melty)
Potato soup (so many kinds!)
Baked potato--have assorted toppings including beans, cheese, salsa, sour cream....
Chili without meat
Vegetable soups of all kinds including squash soup and bean soups
Macaroni & Cheese
and yes there are MANY more! 

So try it out and see what you save...
What is your favorite vegetarian dish?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Don't Toss That PUMPKIN!

*Today I went to HyVee to vote and all their pumpkins and gourds in front of their store are free!  (You don't even have to go in the store--just drive up and grab some!)  I grabbed 3 big pumpkins for pumpkin butter and 3 medium sized sugar pumpkins for pumpkin pie and 8 little pumpkins to stuff as side dishes!*

Halloween is over--that means pumpkins are going on clearance (last year Aldi's had pumpkins on clearance for $1 each after Halloween) and perhaps you have some non-carved pumpkins sitting out as decoration.  Here is what you do to make pumpkin puree and pumpkin seeds (along with some of my favorite pumpkin recipes).  And yes this is quick and easy (and money saving!)  Just think of those yummy homemade pumpkin pies you can make for Thanksgiving!

To puree your pumpkin, first wash the outside of your pumpkin.  Then preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Cut your pumpkin in half and pull out the large seeds. 

Put them in a bowl of water and set aside. 

Then scoop the strings out with a metal spoon (so much easier to do when your pumpkin is cut in half!)  Cut your pumpkin into 2 - 4 pieces (depending on the size of your pumpkin.)  Place flesh down in a 13 x 9 pan with 1/2 inch of water.  Place in your oven. 

Grab your seeds out of the water and remove what pumpkin strings are left and place them on a towel to dry.  I usually leave them overnight. (You can also dry them in the oven.)

Cook the pumpkin for about 2 hours.  I usually wait until the top of the pumpkin skins start to blister (this makes it really easy to remove the skin.)  Here is what it should look like when you pull it out. (Notice the wrinkles in the skin.)

At this point I usually put the pumpkin in the fridge to cool overnight as well as absorb the water in the pan (makes it easier for pureeing). After your pumpkin has cooled the skin should easily pull off (if it doesn't, just remember to cook a little longer next time so the skin blisters--this time you will probably just need to scoop the flesh out.

In a bowl, mash your pumpkin.  Ta-da!  You now have pumpkin puree that is fresh and YUMMY! 

You can freeze the puree for up to a year.  I store mine in 16 oz containers (about 2 cups should fit)--similar to the amount a can of puree would have.  Be sure to label your containers!  (If you want chunked pumpkin--for example the pumpkin black bean bake recipe calls for chunked pumpkin, simply cook for 1 hour and then cut into cubes.  You can also freeze your pumpkin cubes in a container or freezer ziploc bag.)

Now for those seeds--you can bake them in the oven and simply salt them--or here is one of my favorite pumpkin seed recipes!

As promised my FAVORITE pumpkin recipes--and yes I have many because I love sneaking squash into anything I can--an added vegetable to the kids diet!  If you have some pumpkin recipes you would like to share, please comment on this blog so I can post for others!  Thanks!

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Bread

I was given this recipe from a friend. YUMMY!

3 C. Sugar
1 (15oz can of pureed pumpkin) --about 2 cups
4 eggs
1C. Veg. Oil
3/4 C water
2/3 C. Peanut butter
3 1/2 C flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground nutmeg

Combine sugar, pumpkin, eggs, oil, water, and peanut butter; beat well. Combine flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg; mix well. Pour in 2 ungreased 9inx5x3 loaf pans. Bake 350 for 60-70 min or until tooth pick center comes out clean.

Pumpkin Bread

(From Aunt Sally)

This pumpkin bread is very easy and everyone in our family loves it. Sometime I put chocolate chips in it – or dried cranberries. It’s a must at Thanksgiving and Christmas! Lisa likes to spread butter on it – I prefer whipped cream cheese – or just plain is also very good!

3 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. ground cloves
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. ground nutmeg
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. double-acting baking powder
1 – 16 oz. can pumpkin (2 cups)
2/3 cup salad oil
3 eggs, slightly beaten

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease well two 9” x 5” loaf pans. In large bowl with fork, mix flour with next 7 ingredients; add remaining ingredients and mix just until blended. Turn batter into pans. Bake about 1 hour or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire racks 10 minutes; remove from pans and cool completely. Makes 2 loaves.

Pumpkin Pancakes

These are especially good on those cold fall/winter mornings.

Pumpkin Black Bean Bake

This is great for the fall!

1 lb ground beef
2 cups cubed pumpkin pieces
1 coarsely chopped medium onion
1 15 oz can black beans--rinsed
1 cup corn
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup beef broth
3 oz cream cheese
1 8.5 oz package of corn bread mix
1 egg lightly beaten
1/3 cup milk
1/3 cup pureed pumpkin

Preheat oven to 400 F. Cook ground beef, pumpkin, and onion over medium heat until browned. Drain juices. Stir in black beans, corn and salt. Heat through. Stir in broth and cream cheese until blended. Transfer into 9 x 13 baking dish. In medium bowl stir corn bread mix, egg, milk, and pureed pumpkin until just combined. Spoon over beef mixture. Bake 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

Soft Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies

These are almost too soft to be a cookie...but what a great way to get some extra vegetables into your kids.

1 cup pureed pumpkin
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Combine pumpkin, sugar, vegetable oil, and egg. In a separate bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, ground cinnamon, and salt. Dissolve the baking soda with the milk and stir in. Add flour mixture to pumpkin mixture and mix well. Add vanilla, chocolate chips and nuts.3. Drop by spoonful on greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for approximately 10 minutes or until lightly brown and firm.

Pumpkin Casserole

This is YUMMY! I compare this to sweet potato casserole. A great side dish for Thanksgiving!

Pumpkin Butter

I honestly haven't tried this recipe--but since I picked up 3 FREE pumpkins at Hyvee today, I am going to can some pumpkin butter (you can also freeze it--and it makes a great gift--think Christmas!).  Check it out!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

5 bags of Kraft Shredded Cheese/Cream Cheese for $2.50

Awesome deal at Copp's through next Wednesday October 27!

Kraft shredded cheese and Cream Cheese is on sale for $1.50 each.  Buy 5 and use this coupon to get your cheese for $2.50!  That's $0.50 a bag.  (Press the back button and print the coupon a second time and you can buy 10 bags of cheese for $5.00.)  Cheese freezes great!  And what a great way to save money!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Being Green with keeping your house warm!

I am excited to tell you it is October 17th and I have YET to turn on my heat--and yes we have crappy windows and such that let in ALL the outside air!  Here are a few tips and tricks I have learned to help keep the house warm without turning on the heat.

*Open window coverings on your southern facing windows. The sun will naturally heat your home during the day. 

*Look into insulating curtains for at night.  I actually made some of my own for around $10 a window.  They pull up like roman shades and I put additional molding on the sides of my window with hinges to "clamp" the curtains down on the side when the window is closed.  I attached the curtains with velcro to the top of the window which helps eliminate air leaks at the top. (If you want more info on these let me know otherwise here is additional info below.

Here is info on how to make sure the curtain is insulating:

And here is info on how to make an insulated curtain.  (If you buy the insulating fabric at JoAnne's they have instructions included.)

*Close drapes at night--they insulate a little so they will help keep some of that cool air out. 

*If you have a sunporch area or room with many windows that heats up from the sun, make sure that hot air has access to the house.  You may want to use a box fan to blow the warm air into your home. 

*If it is warmer outside then inside--open those windows!  However, once the temp on the outside becomes cooler--CLOSE THEM.  We have been lucky with some upper 70's days here and there.  I have really taken advantage of these days to warm my house.

*Cook/Bake.  Yes I am serious.  I have been doing a fair amount of cooking and baking the last month to help keep the house warm.  I will often bake/cook double batches.  Then I can freeze for later or share with a friend now.  After I turn the oven off, I will open it up to let the heat warm the house  (of course I am careful to make sure that my little ones are in another room and don't come near the stove.

Of course there are the standard things you can do as well---buy insulation tape for around windows and doors.  I like waiting for a windy day and then I take a candle around any spots that may leak air from the outside.  If the flame dances, I know that I have a leak and then use insulation foam/tape/rubber to block the leak. 

If you have drafts coming from under your door, you may need to buy a new door sweep--these are relatively inexpensive and slide easily on the bottom of your door.  Definitely worth the investment.

So what do you do to help keep your house warm?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Being Green with your heating bill- installing a programmable thermostat and scheduling it to SAVE you money!

When Rob and I purchased both of our houses the first thing we did was to install a programmable thermostat.

It just made sense.  We could save money by turning the heat down when we were gone and when we were sleeping (and we didn't have to REMEMBER to turn down the heat!)  With winter coming this is one of the smartest way to reduce your heating bill.  Energy Star estimates people save $180 a year with a programmable thermostat.  I am pretty sure we save more than that at my home--and I am a stay-at-home mom.  Below I give you some info on purchasing and installing your thermostat and then scheduling it to SAVE you money!

Currently you can buy a programmable thermostat for as cheap as $17 at Menards.  If you want one that you can schedule weekends differently than weekdays it is as cheap as $24.  And don't forget that you can put this purchase down as a tax deduction under the Energy Star Credit Act (you will get 30% back.)

These thermostats are surprisingly easy to install.  I have personally installed 2 myself.  They come with easy instructions.  It is a matter of placing a battery in them, turning off the circuit breaker that leads to the thermostat and then connecting a few wires (and of course turning the circuit breaker back on.)  Don't let installation scare you from making this wise purchase.  It can be done in under an hour.  Last time I did it, it took me 20 minutes.

Here is how we program our thermostat to save us money.  At night we reduce the heat to 65 degrees.  I make sure to put my daughter in 2 layers since she is not old enough to keep blankets on her.  I then have the heat lower to 60 degrees around 7 AM. 

We often get up at 7 and head out of the house for errands, storytime, workout, etc....  Your house will not instantly cool to 60 degrees so don't panic at this cold temp.  The 60 degree mark just tells your furnace when it needs to turn on. Your house will slowly cool down.  In fact, usually I am home by noon and the house (in the winter) may be around 63 degrees.  I will then override the thermostat and turn it up to 68.  When you come home and feel that your house is chilly--it will remind you to do this.  You can ALWAYS manually override your set temperature--and it will stay overridden until it is scheduled to change.  (So if you head out again, you will want to remember to turn it down again if you don't have that scheduled.) 

This is why I set my temperature so low.  If I am staying in the house for the morning, the house getting colder will remind me that I need to raise the temperature.   It takes seconds to override the thermostat and turn the temperature up.  I like to err on the side of saving money (if I leave) vs. simply overriding the temperature if I am staying in the house.

You can put more settings in your thermostat if you know that you will be in and out several times, but since my schedule tends to vary I just have the same two settings for night and day.  I love coming home after being gone all day and realizing that my heat was not on--I did not pay to heat an empty house.  Of course you will have the first 10 - 20 chilly moments of being in a 60 degree house, but most houses like ours have an efficient heating system that will heat the house back up pretty quickly.  Honestly, when we are coming from 10 degrees outside, I really don't notice a 60 degree house being THAT cold.  (After all it is much warmer than outside!)

If you are going to be gone several days, you can change your thermostat to manual vs. programmed.  This means you can set it for one temperatures while you are gone.  We will often set our house around 55 degrees if we are going to be gone several days.  Remember you don't want your house to get too cold--because your pipes could freeze--many kitchen sinks are located on an outside wall meaning the pipes there get colder than the rest of your house.

So buy your thermostat, install it, and figure out what temperatures and schedule works for you.  Start watching those heating bills FALL!  You will be amazed by the savings!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Salvation Army is BACK on the East side!

I am SO excited.  The Salvation Army has reopened its store.  It has a new location on East Washington near the mall.  It is located in the old "Tuesday Morning/Furniture Deals & Steals" building!  I visited the store yesterday to check it out.

I found much of their stuff VERY reasonably priced.  There were many toys for around $1 and clothing starts at $0.69 for shorts!  I also saw sheets starting around $0.99.  This store is much larger than the last store, and appears to be a bit better organized.  I spoke to the manager while I was there and he assured me that they would begin tag sales in the next several weeks (i.e. 50% off all red & yellow tags).

I bought Ky a lightning McQueen car with buttons and sounds for $1, but that was all.  I know I will be back soon!  (I gotta get Alaina some size 6 tennis shoes.)

In the old Salvation Army store I had many AWESOME scores such as snowpants for $0.50 and a $100 ice cream maker for $2.99.  (We broke a part to mine, so when I saw this ice cream maker I snatched it up!)

If there are some random things you need--definitely give this store a try!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shopping Aldi's

If you haven't shopped Aldi's before, this post may make you panic.  You probably have heard the rumors that this is the "poor people" store and they have horrible food, but I am going to challenge you to give them a chance.  Did you know that the corporation that owns Aldi's also owns Trader Joe's?  In fact, you will find some of the same products at both stores (sometimes labeled differently though.) In this blog post, I am going to tell you "how to shop" Aldi's and what to expect as well as give you a rundown on prices of some of their food--items that I specifically stock up on at their store because I know I won't be able to find it for less elsewhere. (If you are familiar with Aldi's skip down to the list below to see what my "buys" at Aldi's are.)

When you arrive at Aldi's be sure to bring a quarter, cash (or a debit card) and bags for your groceries.  Aldi's uses a "quarter" system for your cart.  You deposit the quarter into the cart to unlock it, do your shopping, return the cart, and get your quarter back.  They escape the extra costs of cart corralers by doing this quarter system (and pass the savings to you).  Honestly, I wish other stores would do it.  You never see a random cart in the parking lot of Aldi's.  People always return them because they want their quarter back. 

They also do not have baggers.  Therefore, they will ring them up and return them to the cart.  You bag your own groceries on a counter provided.  (Another way to pass savings to you!)  If you do not bring your own bag, you can use boxes found throughout the store, or purchase a bag.  I think they cost $0.25 each.

Aldi's only accepts cash or debit cards.  This is another way they keep their prices down.  They don't have to pay fees to the credit card companies and they don't have to take the time to cash checks.  You cannot purchase your groceries without cash or a debit card.

Aldi's carries many regular items and then some seasonal items which often includes brand name foods (including some Trader Joe stuff!) as well as toys or gadgets (just like your local grocery store would.)  Often these seasonal items are pretty good buys.  If I see something I like, I usually wait a few weeks and they will start knocking down the price to get rid of whatever they have left to make room for the new stuff.  I have bought nice pajamas for Ky for $2, soccer balls for $2 and inflatable pools with built in sprinklers for $3.  Besides seasonal items, Aldi's will often clearance foods that are getting close to expiration.  I have bought ground turkey for $0.29/lb (I bought 10 lb and then just froze it all!) and whole wheat bread for $0.15 a loaf (bought 8 loaves and froze it all!).  Mondays & Tuesdays are usually the key days of the week to look for clearance items.  (At least that is my experience with the Aldi on E. Wash in Madison.) 

As far as pricing, Aldi's produce prices vary often just like other grocery stores. With that said, I almost ALWAYS buy my produce at Aldi's.

Here are some example produce prices at Aldi's and how I have seen them vary

1lb baby carrots $0.99---About every 6 weeks they go on sale for $0.49--this is when I stock up to last me 3 weeks.

Apples $1.99 to $2.99 for 3 lb

BIG seedless Watermelon $1.99 to $3.99

Cantaloupe $0.99 to $2.29 each

Onions $0.99 for 3 lb

Broccoli $0.99 - $1.49 lb

Bananas are ALWAYS $0.39 lb (this is the best price I ever see them!)

Avocados $0.49 - $0.99 each

Oranges 3lb for $1.49 - $2.99

Grapes $0.79 - $1.29

Anyway--usually some fruits and vegetables are at their rock bottom price and that is what I stock up on. 

Here are some other great deals at Aldi's.

You will always find Aldi's milk either the same price or lower than any other grocery store (and usually eggs too!)

Crackers--most boxes are around $1.  Graham crackers are $1.25--I have not been able to find Graham crackers under $2.50 anywhere else! (even with a coupon)

Flour is usually around $1.19 for 5 lb--this is a good price--it will bottom out at $0.99

Rice is $1.49 for a 3 lb bag

Salt for your water softener!  $3.49 for a 40 lb bag (I think it is 40...)

Chocolate chips $1.69

Margarine $0.59 for 1 lb

Yogurt--big containers are $1.59 for plain or vanilla

REAL vanilla  $1.99

Tortilla chips $0.99

Flour Tortillas $0.99

Other good deals include canned veggies or beans for around $0.40 a can, brown/powdered sugar around $0.99 for 2 lb and white sugar is usually around $2.50 for a 5 lb bag.

I shop at Aldi's about once every 2 weeks.  Prior to couponing--this was the main store I shopped at.  I honestly love this store and I don't think there will ever be a time that I don't shop at Aldi's.  I hope you found this blog helpful.  What are your favorite items at Aldi's?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Doubl 10 Coupons at Copp's this Wednesday! (Oct 13!)

I am excited!  This week will be one of my "BIG" stock up weeks.  I save many of my coupons for Copp's DOUBLE DOUBLE Daze! 

Get $25 of purchases and you can double 10 coupons!  (This means you could spend as little as $5 for $25 of groceries--or even better if you have bigger coupons!)

I usually make 2 transactions on these days and get about $50 of groceries for less than $10!

Have fun!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Free floss with coupon

Reach Floss at Walmart is $1.  I purposely wait for this coupon to get my floss for free.  You can print this coupon 2 times per computer, so stock up!

(should be located on the second page).  After you print it the first time it will be on the last page--go there to get your seond print.

If you don't see the coupon, enter zip code 90210 and look again.

Free Collage 8 X 10 picture at Walgreen's valid TODAY!

Walgreens is offering a free 8x10 picture collage (as long as you pick up at the store) today!  Place your order by midnight tonight and then pick it up over the weekend.  I have done this offer several times creating nice pictures for relatives for holidays.  In fact the picture above is a Father's Day gift given to Rob created for free frow Walgreen's.  (You can pick up a nice frame for $1 at the Dollar Store!)  Here's what you need to do:

Click on this site

Click on Gifts

Select Collage (on left side bar)

Click on Collage Prints

Create your 8X10 Collage

Use the code FBCOLL at checkout

And select pick-up at your nearest store!
This offer expires at the end of today!  Act fast!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shopping for Halloween Costumes

I have had a couple people ask me about how to save money on Halloween Costumes.  So here is what I have...

Ask friends/family if they have costumes that you can borrow--or swap with them costumes from last year (if sizes are appropriate).  That being said, I have a 12 month Lion (I think it is a lion costume) if someone would like to use it--let me know.

Garage Sale-- During the summer there are tons of garage saled costumes.  These are fun to buy just so the kids can play dress-up, but then you can also double the use as using them for Halloween.

Saver's --Go to the back racks (by the men's clothes).  I was there last week--they  had TONS of second hand costumes starting at $2.99!!!  Infant to Adult sizes.  In other words--thrift stores are great places to look.

Make your own-- This is what we attempt to do every year.  (Though honestly after seeing Saver's prices, I am SO tempted to ditch the work for the easy cheap costume.)  You will find that you have a lot of stuff around your house already to complete your outfit.  Last year Ky was Bob The Builder--which included putting him in overalls, making him a toollbelt out of a nail apron I had (I also used his play tools), and putting a fireman's hat on his head which I placed a Bob The Builder sticker over the fireman logo.  Cost for this costume $1--for the hat.

Last year Alaina was a pumpkin.  I simply put her in an orange sleeper and cut leaves out of felt which I put her pony tail through.  Cost $0.27 for the felt.

What do you do to save money on Halloween costumes?


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Rock Bottom Price List

What are Rock Bottom Prices? My Rock Bottom Prices are the lowest prices that I see grocery items. When I find an item at “Rock Bottom Price”, I will stock up on that item until the next sale time (usually 6 – 8 weeks out). I have found that I have cut my grocery bill by about $30/week by doing this (often more!). This may not sound like much money to you—but I was a frugal shopper before I started shopping like this. I now spend no more than $50/week for a family of four and there are many weeks I will spend $20 or less (since I am relying on what I stocked.) Also realize that my “grocery bill” includes many of those personal necessities—shampoo, soap, batteries, toilet paper, etc…)

Jessica's Rock Bottom List:  Buy at these prices (or less if you find them!)

Shampoo/Conditioner: Free ( just pay tax)

Soap/Body Wash: Free ( just pay tax)

Kid/Baby Shampoo: $1 or less

Lotion: $1 or less (last 4 bottles have been free!)

Pads: Free (just pay tax)

Tampons: Free (just pay tax)

Floss: Free ( just pay tax)

Toothpaste: Free (just pay tax)

Deodorant: Free (just pay tax)

Diapers: $4.00 for jumbo size (many times I will score name brand diapers for $3)

Toilet Paper: $4.00 for 12 double rolls

Cereal: Less $0.50 a box (often free)

Crackers: $1.00

Pasta: Free

Pasta Sauce: $1/jar

Canned Veggies 0.40 can

Frozen Veggies: less than $1 for 16 oz

Frozen Pizza: $2 for a fancy pizza (Digiornos, Tombstone, Freschetta) Though lately I have been getting for $1 or less

Bread: $0.75 for whole wheat

Cheese: $1.00 for 8 oz

Yogurt: $1.50 for 32 oz

Peanut Butter: $1.00 for 15 oz.

Vinegar: 1 gallon $1.99

Apples : 0.99/lb

Oranges : 0.50/lb

Cantaloupe: $1.00 each

Pineapple: $1.00 each

Bananas: 0.39 lb

Carrots (baby, peeled): $1.00/lb Aldi’s has them 0.49/lb every 1-2 months and I stock up then! Though it doesn’t last until the next sale

Flour: $0.99 5lb bag

Sugar : $2.00 5 lb bag

Brown Sugar: $0.99 2 lb bag

Powder Sugaqr: $0.99 2 lb bag

Fruit Snacks: $1.00

Rice: 0.50/lb

Chicken boneless breasts frozen: $4.00 3 lb bag

Chicken boneless breasts fresh (no hormones): $1.99 lb

Frozen ground beef: $5 for 3lb

Fresh ground beef $1.99 or less per lb

Pork ribs/loin/roast: $1.79 / lb

Ice Cream $1.50 / 0.5 gallon

Are there any items that aren’t on here that you are curious about? Do you have any items to add to the Rock Bottom List?  Let me know!

New Vocal Point Freebie!--Crest Toothpaste

I have mentioned Vocal Point before and how they give you a freebie PLUS coupons for more freebies!  If you haven't created an account--do so now using this link.

Otherwise, log in and you will be able to request your sample of Crest Toothpaste!  (located on the right hand side of the screen)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Being Green with plastic bags

Paper Recycling bin & kitchen trash (right) with one week of accumulation

Recycling & trash cans in front of my oven (to show you how big my cans are)

A Target bag is my trash bag!  Thank you TARGET!
When possible I use reusable bags.  However, in today's age, I still end up with a plethora of plastic bags.  I know they are bad for the environment, however, I always make sure to reuse my plastic bags. 

My number one way of reusing plastic bags is as garbage can liners.  In fact, I have not bought a garbage bag in years.  I have small trash cans in all rooms and I am able to recycle, compost, and reuse so much that we actually have very little trash.  Not only do I use plastic bags as liners, but I also use packaging.  For example, disposable diapers come in plastic wrapping that perfectly lines my upstairs bathroom trashcan.  I also buy toilet paper in 12 -24 roll packages and I reuse their packaging as liners as well.  The key is to make sure you open the packaging at the narrow end so you create a bag.

I know some people have a lot more waste and do not see a plastic bag working as their liner--but I challenge you to try it.  What's the worse that could happen?--perhaps you have to take the garbage out more than once as week!  (Hey that's probably a good thing!)  I also love using small wastebaskets.  I find it leaves so much more room and I can easily tuck the garbage in a cabinet or the bottom of the pantry.  I also do not have to worry about pets or babies getting into it. 

So what else can we do with plastic bags.  Of course they are great at toting things to and from, but they also can do the following:

Pick up animal poo--eww!
Thaw out meat (keep meat in the packaging and then place in plastic bag--it will help keep that juicy mess contained)
Donate to your local library (they use them for checked out materials on rainy days to keep them dry)
Donate to your grocery store (some recycle, some reuse)
Reuse at the grocery store in place of your reusable bag
Use as packing material when packing delicate items
Save for your garage sale (your customers will need them!)
Keep a few in the car to collect that random garbage (You can hide it under the seat or loop the handle over the headrest so it is easy to toss things when in the backseat, these also make a quick alternative barf bag)
Use them for dirty diapers (or dirty clothes bag) when traveling (cloth or disposable)
Cover your shoes in plastic bags if you are going to be in the mud and want to protect them (think gardening)
Litter box liner
Use bags to organize (separate projects such as sewing or knitting projects0
Cover your plants to protect from frost
Use as a smock for kids (cut head hole, arm holes and then slit down the back side from head hole down, the slit goes on the child's back)
Store wet paintbrushes overnight
Lunch bag
Some people make rugs or purses out of them (No KIDDING!)
Use to contain your liquids when traveling and protect from spillage (shampoo, conditioner, etc...)
Use when traveling to separate dirty clothes from clean clothes

What are your ideas for reusing plastic bags?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

This week's Sentry deals & Steals! Sept 9 - Sept 15

So this above is what I purchased at Sentry for $2.81 yesterday....Hmmmm...Lookin' good!  Bagel Bites are regular price at $2.39--most magazines currently have an insert for $1 off--double that and get them for $0.39 a box!

Here is my grocery list of good savings for Sept 9 - Sept 15.  Remember they double ALL coupons up to and including $1 on Mon, Tues, & Wednedays this month!  And this is only at the Cottage Grove Rd. location.

Hamburger Helper $1
Q is $1 off 3
Get 3 for $1 AND use the in ad coupon to get $1 off of meat

Campbell’s Chicken noodle or Tomato soup $0.60
use Q for $1 off 4 OR $0.50 off 2
$0.10 each

Gold N’ Plump all natural chicken thighs (20 oz) $3.49
use Q for $1.50 off

Pillsbury Sweet Moments
(this might be a target coupon and not work)
Q for $1 off
$0.49 each

Hormel Always Tender Flavored Pork Tenderloin $6.99 for 1.15 lb
Q for $1 off

Keebler Fudge Shoppe Coconut Cremes $1.99
Q is for $1 off

Red Baron Pizza/pasta $3.33
Q is for $1

Dean’s Gallon of milk $1.99 (2%, 1% & skim)
Use in ad coupon

Ortega salsa or taco shells $1.49
Q is for $1 off 2
$0.99 each

Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes $1.00
$1 off 2
$0.50 each

Totino’s Pizza Rolls $1.25
$1 off 2
$0.25 each

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sentry is doubling Coupons Mon, Tues & Weds in September

I am SO excited!

I don't normally shop Sentry, but was stopping there for a great meat/peanut butter/salad dressing sale. 

Walking in the door I noticed a sign--The Cottage Grove Rd. location (located on Cottage Grove Rd. and Acewood near Stoughton Rd) is doubling ALL manufacturer coupons up to (and including) $1 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays in September.  There are no stipulations (no limits, no amount of money that needs to be spent) except that the coupon can't be over $1 and you can't use more than 3 of the same coupon.  Woo-hoo! 

I was excited about getting salad dressing for $0.50---but then got it free with my doubled coupon!  It also looks like they are accepting overage  (i.e. the salad dressing was on sale for $0.99 and they took $1 off my entire purchase price.)  I think I will be skipping Copp's for the rest of the month to take advantage of this rare deal.  I will try to put out some shopping lists with links to coupons in the next couple of weeks.

YEAH for Sentry!

Free Dishwashing Detergent & Dryer sheets!

Take a survey with this website and be rewarded with Cascade Dishwashing detergent or Dawn Dish soap with Olay. It took me about 2 minutes to complete this survey. Definitely worth the freebie!

Vocal Point is offering Downy Dryer Sheet trials. Vocal Point is an AWESOME site that I highly recommend becoming a member of. Not only do they send you a sample, but they usually send you 4 coupons that result in getting the product FREE! My last Vocal Point mailer was Crystal Light. They sent me 4 packages (8 come in a box). Then they send me 4 $2 coupons, which I combined with a sale and got 4 FREE boxes. The time before that they sent me a FULL bottle of Pantene shampoo with 4 $2 coupons. I combined those with a sale and received an add’l 4 FREE bottles of shampoo & conditioner! They do like you to take a minute a write a comment about the product after you receive it. I usually write a sentence (takes less than a minute)—but no comment/review is required. Try setting up your own account with Vocal Point and check out the Dryer Sheet Freebie! (Be sure to use that email address you set up for these freebies/offers, since you don’t want their advertisements cluttering up your personal email.)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Deals

I haven't gotten the HyVee flyer yet (maybe it will come Sunday)---but here is what I have so far: (* depicts Rock bottom price)

Sentry --good September 6 - 8

*Jennie-O Ground Turkey 1lb $0.99 (use coupon in flyer, limit 1)

*Skippy Peanut Butter $0.99 (use coupon in flyer, limit 2)

*Wishbone or Western Salad Dressing $0.99 (use coupon in flyer, limit 3)
use this link and make it $0.50 a bottle!

*Pork shoulder $1.19 lb --can we say pulled pork sandwiches!  YUM!

Pork Ribs or Sirloin Roast $1.89 lb

Pierce's (Good now through Sept 8)

 *Fresh Ground Beef 80% lean $1.68/lb sold in 3lb packages.  This is unheard of for fresh ground beef.  I have never been in Pierces before, but this price tempts me...I would definitely stock up!

*Shurfine Cream Cheese $0.88 each

Pop Tarts 2/$3 (use coupon in flyer)

Copp's (good now through Sept 8)  I expect an add'l flyer from them on Sunday

Roundy's Butter 1lb $1.68 (use coupon in flyer, limit 1)

*Roundy's Hamburger/Hotdog buns $0.48 each (use coupon in flyer, limit 2)

*Broccoli $0.89 lb

Savers: 50% off almost EVERYTHING on Labor Day

I love Saver’s! Monday’s are my favorite day to go, because it is $0.99 colored tag day. They pick a tag color and any item with that colored tag is $0.99. I scored 3 skirts for $3 for myself there a few weeks ago. You can’t do much better than that!

This Monday is one of Saver’s big 50% off day. Everything EXCEPT toys, housewares, books & videos are 50%. This means clothes galore, bedding, towels, bags, purses, and shoes are ALL 50% off. WHOO-HOO! I am hoping to make it there early Monday morning to score myself a new purse ($2 purse…I think I will…) and hopefully get Alaina a pair of shoes. She just had this outrageous foot spurt and pretty much jumped from a size 4 to size 6! (and I had these cute little Dora shoes in size 5 that I had bought her that only got worn once *SIGH*--well good thing I only paid $1.50 for those at Saver’s! Ha! No big loss!)

So a couple of things on how Saver’s works. Starting on Tuesdays, Saver’s picks a colored tag and makes that item 50% off. Then on the following Monday that colored tag is $0.99. If it is a popular item (i.e. kids clothes) you will have a hard time finding good $0.99 sales—HOWEVER—I do tend to find some good ones from time to time. I have found the $0.99 sales to be better for housewares and older kid/adult clothing. I save my kid clothing shopping days for the 50% off everything days!

My favorite Saver’s sale is President’s Day. (You know..the blahness of winter---February!) That day is 50% off EVERYTHING! I get there early and usually score big!

Saver’s has also recently adopted a “manager’s special Thursday”. This means they post an extra deal. This past Thursday it was “buy a pair of shorts, get one free.” They do not post the deals ahead, so you won’t know what goodie they might have until you get there.

If you are interested in saving additional money at Saver’s, you can start a card with them. For every $5 you spend or bag of stuff you donate you will get a punch. Once the card is full, it turns into a 30% off your next purchase coupon. I have never spent enough money to fill a card (you have to fill it in a certain time frame)—however, I have used my garage sale leftovers to fill a card. All donations are tax deductable (be sure to ask for a form) and go towards Easter Seals. So you get a little added bonus!

I love second hand stores. It keeps things out of the landfill, and is a little lighter on my pocketbook! Plus, they are so much fun to browse through—you never know what you will find. What is your favorite score at a thrift store?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Best Deals in Town this week!

These deals are good through Saturday. Walgreen’s is a great week, however other stores—not so good. With Labor Day we should be getting some add’l sales coming out this weekend. I am also expecting some GREAT meat sales then(so I will be stocking up!) * indicates Rock Bottom price


Carmex Lip Gloss $2 receive $2 in rewards

Walgreen’s Tampons $2 receive $2 in rewards –This Reward coupon will have to be spent back at Walgreen’s since it is a Walgreen’s brand product. I turned around and used my $2 to buy Paper plates which are a steal this week for $0.89 a pack.

Breathe Right Strips $4 receive $4 in rewards

Colgate Total Advanced/Enamel $2.99 receive $2 in rewards --use this coupon

And only pay $0.24.


*Avocadoes $0.49 each

*Cantaloupe $0.99 each

Nectarines, peaches, plums $0.29 each

1lb baby carrots $0.68

(I wasn’t impressed with Hyvee’s flyer this week—but with Labor day, I am betting they will send out an add’l flyer with deals)

Hyvee Sweet or Dill relish $0.69 use coupon in flyer

*Hyvee Marshmallows $0.69 use coupon in flyer

Pillsubury Classic Brownies $0.69 use coupon in flyer

HyVee butter $1.89/lb

MCF Icecream -1 gallon- $2.99 use coupon in flyer

Anderson Erickson Dip - $0.48 use coupon in flyer

Hyvee Hotdog/Hamburger buns $0.69 use coupon in flyer

Whole Seedless Watermelon $2.99—This is my rock bottom price, but these appear to be very small. I pay this price for a large one.

Free Kashi, Diapers, Tea and more!

Pampers (Size 3 & 4)

You do not have to have a Sam’s Club membership for this sample

Ziploc fall meal pack

(This is a ver y cool freebie—lots of ziplock bags & containers—but only good for the first 10,000 to sign up.

Shout Color Catcher Sample

(need a Facebook account)

Starbucks Artisan Sandwich

You need to have a Starbucks Reward card to get this freebie. This link will give you info on purchasing a reward card if you are interested. There are a lot of perks to having a reward card…

Teasta Tea

This is 2 free samples of tea and free shipping. Select 2 of the “Sampler” teas and then use the promo code “TRYME” to get the teas and shipping for free. These teas look so yummy—I can’t wait to get mine!

Kashi Bar

Kashi samples usually come with some HIGH value coupons!

John Frieda

Root Awakening Sample

Thanks Pocketyourdollars & Hip2save

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Free Trio Race Car Set Shipped from Fisher Price!

Check ou this free Race Car set (shipping is free!) from Fisher Price.  The site is a little slow, but have patience and you will get one too!  Select--United States in the upper right and corner to order.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Being Green with Reusable Bags

I don't want to preach to the choir--you all know about how wonderful Reusable Bags are--but I am going to challenge you a little further. 

I have around 15 reusable bags and I have spent no more than $0.50 on all of them.  Some I have received for free from stores and friends.  My main supply of reusable bags actually came from Menard's.  Periodically, Mendards will have their bags on sale for $1.00 each and then offer a $1.00 rebate for up to 10.  This is how I got all of my reusable bags for free--(the $0.50 I paid is for the rebate envelope & stamp.)  How cool is that?!  I have since used these bags many times and have actually MADE money off of them.  AND--if you are a Menard's shopper they will occassionally have sales for 15% off anything you can fit in their reusable bag (even Sale priced items!)

Did you know that at many stores they will actually give you a discount for each bag that you bring in?  Here are stores that I know of in the Madison area that will give you a $0.05 discount per bag that you use/bring in.

Willy St. Co-op (Thanks Kristen!)
Sentry (gives a $0.02 discount)
Aldi's--they don't give a discount, but if you don't bring your own you may have to purchase one of their bags or find a box to put your groceries in.  (This is also how Aldi's is able to keep their prices so low.) 

Of course, if you are the creative type, you could always make your own reusable bag out of a t-shirt or towel.  (And what a WONDERFUL way to package a Christmas gift and ADD to your present!) Check out this site if you want to get your "crafty" on!

Do you know of any other stores that discount for reusable bags?  Let me know so I can add it to the list.

Stay tuned to "what you can do with those disposable bags!"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Deals of the week

*Depicts rock bottom price


50 oz of unsweetened apple sauce $1.69 (this jar is located in the “seasonal items” area)

(I use applesauce as an oil substitute when I am baking, so I LOVE a great deal on unsweetened applesauce.)

*Celery $0.49 per sleeve

Baby Carrots $0.69 lb

*Grapes $1.78 for 2 lbs

HyVee (these prices are good on Friday, Saturday & Sunday)

*Bananas $0.38/lb (at Aldi’s bananas are ALWAYS $0.39/lb)

HyVee canned vegetables $0.38 each

Whole Chicken $0.59/lb

Hyvee Shredded cheese $1.25

Peaches & Pears $0.99/lb

HyVee Russett Potatoes 10lbs $1.88

*Midwest County Fare frozen veggies $0.88 for 16 oz (Copp's has the same deal through Weds.)

*Lynden Farm shoestring French fries $0.48 20 oz

* Angel Soft Toilet Paper 24 roll or 12 double roll or 9 mega roll $4.77 and receive a free Sparkle Paper towel (use the manufacturer coupon in the flier) and use this coupon
to save an add’l $0.50. $4.27 is a VERY good deal for all this.

White or wheat Hyvee bread $0.88. (Copp’s has white bread 2/$1 through Weds.)


Through Weds (tomorrow) use this list

Notice Blue Bunny Ice Cream is $3.00.  Print this coupon out and double it on Weds and get it for $1.00
For this link, enter the zipcode 07205 in the upper left hand corner. Then select $1 off BB Ice cream!
For Thurs - next Weds use this list

There is also a coupon booklet avaiable for extra deals this week and next week.  If you did not get one in the mail, you should be able to ask customer service for one.  Here is a preview link


(I am not a big Cub or Sentry shopper, because I often don't find good deals--but this week Cub has some great ones!)

*Paula Red apples $0.88/lb
*Corn $0.19 each
*Green beans $0.77/lb
Ken's Steak House dressing $1 (there is a $1 Q in the 8/22 SS making this free)
*Peppridge Farm Goldfish $1